No drama with snapping handbags No drama with a high tide Might have bats in the belfry Discourages door knockers Repels Mother in laws A modern Noah's Ark But heck..that first step is a doosy
a man with a little time on his hands and a little imagination, he's got his own tree house, I want it, dennis I snuck a peak at your listing in the solos ( yes I know, smack on the hand for Dave, what!!! well no-one else is using the solo's site, so I might as well look) , any way I read about your operation and all I can say is I am so sorry for you and can only wish you a speedy recovery, I sympathise with your position but also hold this up as a reason for others to get out and do the things that you may wish to do NOW!!!! later may be too late, a minor operation with griz, but a heart attack may await YOU, do it TODAY!!! once you are dead you're dead a damn long time, I'm talking to the dreamers out there, the "I'll do it one day brigade", wannabee grey nomads, one day you will be dead and the chances are you wont have done it
me, the dragon, & little blue, never stop playing, live long, laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind. try to commit a random act of kindness everyday