The Grey Nomads - General
Will be touring Tasmania in Feb next year in a caravan for about 4 weeks. Want to cover as much of the Island as possible and am not sure quite how to plan the tour. Is it best to keep the number of caravan park stops to a minimum and tour around in a fairly large radius from each base camp or increase the numb...
sydney to uluru + back - sept - any route tips?
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi, We are off for a month in Sept and are trying the nomad thing with Subaru Outback, a Radical trailer, an Oz tent and not much else apart from a Hema map. Any tips regarding the best route ? - do a circular route via Broken Hill, Tibooburra then south via Coober Peedy, Lake Eyre (when do the migratory bird...
V8 or Deisel for towing
The Grey Nomads - General
This is our first time on the forum and also as caravaners. We are picking up our new Van a 20.5ft Sunland Series 3 that will weigh in at about 2.5 tons. We can not decide if we should buy a V8 Land cruiser or pay the extra for the Turbo Diesel version. Very expensive either way. Everyone has their own opinion...
4 WD for towing
The Grey Nomads - General
I'm researching a tow vehicle for my first caravan (yet to be purchased). I want a compact one but still with enough grunt to tow easily. I'm going for a diesel (unless persuaded otherwise). I was looking at a Jeep Cherokee 2.8 diesel which ticked a lot of boxes in being not too big and seeming to have enou...
Towing with Nissan Patrol
The Grey Nomads - General
I have a 2003 Nissan Patrol, towing a 22ft Jayco Westport. My problem is that when the caravan is hooked up, I can't open the RH door on the back of the car wide enough to get into the slide out draws. Does anyone know of a different type of hitch besides the old screw nut type that I could use. I,ve loo...
Which Way To Go
The Grey Nomads - General
We are leaving Perth in about 4 weeks towing a Supreme Territory caravan heading across to Adelaide, up the middle to Darwin, across to Broome and back down to Perth or should we go the other way, ie from Perth up to Broome, across to Darwin, down to Adelaide and across the nullabor to Perth ?.
Forced amalgamations in qld
The Grey Nomads - General
Sorry to use the nomads website in this manner, but we the people of rural and regional qld need their help.If at all possible could any 'Grey Nomad' who has seen the negative side of amalgamations in their home state could they see their way through to help us avoid this plight by sending an email to Pete...
Where Have You Been To Date
The Grey Nomads - General
The Grey Nomads - General
G'day one and all. The road streaches out before us and we'd like to know if anyone has the benefit of "hindsight" on the subject of GPS units. I read recently that sun spots (or something like that) can cause havoc with this system. Any info on any aspect of GPS units and their use would be gr...
Gibb River Road & Dogs
The Grey Nomads - General
My wife and I are planning on travelling the Gibb River Road next year on our way to visit friends in Karratha. We have two small dogs we hope to take with us instead of having to leave at home for months. My question is are we able to take the dogs along the Gibb River Road as I believe it is mostly pastoral l...
Lady Nomad wants to join another Nomad.
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi people. I am a lady nomad wanting to join another nomad as companion for a trip up north this winter. ( lady or man ) Not a newbie & of a farming background, so am a handy type woman & good cook. Love roaming, digital photography, music, singing, the outback & bush. So, if you are like me &a...
I got to work sometimes
The Grey Nomads - General
I will soon be in a position to hit the road..I'm a carpenter/home maintenance man..concrete-tiling-paving whatever ...Do you experienced travellers think I will find work on the road. Also do you think a Toyota hilux 2.4 litre with a load of tools will pull a 12 ft van ok.. Thanks Auswegian
Holding The Dream
The Grey Nomads - General
For some time I have been campaigning (not nagging!) to join the many happy caravaners on the road. My husband has retired, I work part time, and I want us to get "retyred". It looks like it just may happen early next year. In the meantime, I am researching vans and would like to hear feedba...
Newcastle To Hervey Bay
The Grey Nomads - General
Easter Report. Just got back from HerveyBay, we left on Good Friday and went via the New England Highway etc. Day one Newcastle to Moree took approx 6 hours (as my 13 year old son says and I must agree with him "boring trip", nothing to see just scrub and roads. Big 4 Caravan Park Moree very frie...
Winter in Queensland
The Grey Nomads - General
My wife and I are relatively new to caravanning and are planning to spend next winter in Queensland to escape the Melbourne winter. We are looking for advice on a suitable location where we are likely to be able to get into a caravan park as I understand a lot get booked out year on year by Southerners esca...
basic stuff
The Grey Nomads - General
we are retired. I want to go on short and long trips with my wife. We have no mechanical skills and little experience with camping. 1 where would i find details of the advantages and disadvatages of various types of vehicles, campervans etc. I havent the foggiest idea whether to use a campervan, a fou...
Making the BIG descision
The Grey Nomads - General
My husband and I are 58 and 60 years old and retired. we have done a fair bit of travel around Australia and overseas in the past few years. Now we are considering selling our house and buying a motorhome or a fifth wheeler and taking off. Do people have stories to tell about their experience with selling o...
Australian Camping Forum Invites you to join
The Grey Nomads - General
Hyunday Terracan to tow 2.250 ton
The Grey Nomads - General
Just bought a Jayco Heritage (tare 1765kg) which I intend to hitch onto my Hyundai Terracan 2.9 Diesel, and would like to know if there is anyone out there that is in a similar situation. I am getting it on January 9, after they fit a Hyman-Reece pack and other little things. The specs on t...
Water shortage due to drought
The Grey Nomads - General
Hoping to travel up North in May along the coast and wondering if there will be problems getting water. My wife's a bit worried too about the quality of the water because of the low levels in some towns. We live in Melbourne and stage 4 water restrictions will be introduced here if Autumn rains...