Telstra vs Bigpond
OK all you well-read folk out there, can you please explain the link between Telstra and Bigpond? I believe they are part of the same corporation. One does phone and one does internet. Apparently not. Today I learned Telstra handles a pre-paid internet account and if I open this account I can't have...
Cruising Granny
New to the forum but not to travelling
Hi everyone, just thought I would say hello, we are new to the forum, have just retired and looking forward to doing a lot more travelling now. and we will get to it when the rain stops, although we have nothing to complain about, we are safe and dry as is our house, not like a lot of poor folk who are having t...
venus and hobie
Scam - yes or no?
1 2
Just had a call from a person purporting to be from Windows Operating Systems, stating that my computer had generated a lot of errors etc., due to something she said I didn't understand (hearing problem, can't follow "singsong" voices) - anyway - I told her I would get some other advice - sh...
anyone else tried to put up a new avatar and can't???
I click the button and nothing happens
Geoff n Jen
Bungle Bungles
My wife and I are heading off on a 7 month tour in June 05 travelling via Alice, Kakadu, Darwin, Broome, Perth and then home.
Along the way we want to go in and see the Bungle Bungles but are unsure as to where to leave our caravan for a few days and go camping in our tent to look around.
Has an...
regarding emptying of portapot toilets
Just thinking of buying a portable toilet for when we at free camps. Any suggestions re the brands? And are they heavy to lift etc when liquid is in the base?I imagine they can be emptied before moving on after perhaps 24 or 48 hours at the camp? Just an unknown subject ... lol :)
travel bug post "ma"
1 2
Hello Everyone, I am a bit confused on travel bugs post "ma". It says there are 53 replies. How come when counted there are only 30? How did I lose the other 23? thanks. rocket n strop
the rocket
Nightmare in Kakadu
1 2
The front page story of woman missing in Kakado, presumed taken by a crocodile is the stuff of nightmares, just terrible. Please, everybody, when camping remotely, stay safe!
Gerty Dancer
what does PM stand for?
Hi, What does PM stand for? thanks everyone. rocket n strop
the rocket
Didn't want to go off topic
Re Ma Post. (I hope you don't mind Ma) Before I start I apologise to Cindy and all here for this not being to do with Caravans etc but it is to do with Grey Nomads or at least one Grey Nomad and that is the name of the Website. I am also NOT looking for sympathy in any way. Now, I lost my wife to cancer in May 2011 af...
Sad day for tamworth
A very sad day today a local policeman loss his life in line of duty was shot and lost his life ....Bring its home that we are no longer a small country town but a city and have to expect that this could become part of our life as our city grows ....My thought and heartfelt symphathy are with his fa...
Spiders in Wagga
I didnt know wombats could run so fast.
1 2
Saw three wombats while holidaying in Cradle Mountain Tasmania. There was a daddy wombat, a mummy wombat, and a junior wombat. The daddy was some fifty metres further away from the others and I went a little closer to the others to take some photos. All of a sudden the daddy decided he would start runn...
I'm baaack...
...from a busy 10 days with my friend the energiser bunny! She flew out this morning, and I feel I could sleep for a week! The last 5 days have been in an apartment at the Gold Coast, with no internet! Not that I had time for the internet anyway. But we had a lot of fun and laughs, and deep and meaning-...
Road kill
Have never seen so many dead animals as I did on the Hobart to Port Arthur road, mainly possums. Poor little critters. Another thing, we saw at the gift shop at the Nut at Stanley a road kill recipe book. Yucko!! Ross
'That little niggle in the back"
Yeah , you know the one, central lower back. After years of minor(and some not so minor) I got the jackpot 12 days ago. An innoccuous 2 hours on the roof cleaning gutters. No problems until the next morning Finally went to the DR 4 days later, prescribed a mild painkiller and told to go to the physio. 3 s...
Bent Axle Bob
Any of you recent Tassie travellers stay at sundown point?
I recently said about it as sunset point in another post, it is camp no. 250 Tas. Any how it is a very uh oh we made a mistake kind of track but it does come out at a great spot, you just need an off roader to get to it so don't take a low van in if you are thinking about visiting. You can not turn around once commited...
Geoff n Jen
Caravan convoy;
During the last two weeks of April there will be a convoy of vans heading west. Some will start in Moree & make their way to Ceduna, while others will start in Tassie , pick up Vics on way accross & all meet in Ceduna to head to perth for another Lions Club Convention. Possibile 30 to 40 vans so any on...
Parachilna, South Australia
Hi all fellow grey nomad forumers. We have just accepted work at the Prairie Hotel in Parachilna, South Australia, and will be there for a few months. If you are coming through, please call in an see us.
We're back
Hi all, boy I missed ya's - not going without the net ever again Just washed Tasmania and QLD off the van, What a job! Oh well it sure was worth it. It's been 7 weeks since I have been able to catch up so I better get started.
Geoff n Jen