Greetings one and all..... very soon i will be taking to the road with my husband and his dog in tow.... where we will go ..... why we dont know... but looking forward to meeting a few of you along the path of our journey. Thought that it would probably be a good idea to meet a few of you online as we are now in the process of selling our home and getting ready to buy a motorhome of some description and then hitting the wide open spaces of this great continent. If you have been on the road a while then your probably the sort of people we need to be speaking with.... so send us a message to encourage us along in our new journey into the wide unknown... Intrests .... of course fishing has got to top the list ... followed by finding some great out of the way places that we can stop and simply enjoy the beauty of nature. Not beyond doing a little work to add to the crust we live on so dont mind picking fruit or cooking as used to be a caterer.... and hubby used to be a computer geek.... so may be able to help anyone out with a few simplistic probs and great on advice... Hope to hear from someone soon
Im not what I want to be
Im not what Im gonna be
But thank God Im not what i was
Hi there "New Beginnings" - we're seriously thinking about 'pulling the plug' from the rat race on the Central Coast and heading north, south, east (well not east cos we'll be in the sea!) or west. We have a small dog who we just couldn't leave behind. We have a 16 ft Jayco starcraft poptop which we think is just great. Our biggest dilemma is deciding whether we should put all our stuff in storage, rent out the house, or sell up and invest the money and who knows we'll probably find some small piece of paradise on our travels. We're in the early 60s age bracket (not yet old enough to retire completely)!
Thanks for your reply .... we hope to be on the road in the next couple of months.... my husband is 57 and i am 48 we have a cute little dog and like you just cant seem to let her go she is the light of our lives..... i will be the driver of the vehicle and as yet we havnt brought one to travel about in.... all i know is it must be clean, safe, and roadworthy, enough power to run a couple of puters aircon and sound system resonably modern and easy for me to drive.... we dont yet know our first port of call but wow are we looking forward to just getting away from the pressures of life and simply begin to live ....
My husband is legally blind and has less than 5% vision... as he has been a hard worker all his life he hasnt been able to see this great land so while he still has some vision we will get out and live what was always our dream and see and do as much as we can while he still has some vision left...
Looking so forward to meeting peeps out on the road and hearing all about the various places we have yet to visit and enjoy... and now with having found the grey nomads i am even more enthused about getting out there as i know we wont be alone why there are thousands of us out there just waiting to meet up.
We will be starting out from Sydney as that is where our children grew up and still live so our furniture we will transport from Perth over to our sons barn (garage but looks like a barn) in sydney spend Christmas with them and then off into the wild blue yonder we shall go...
As for our house we are selling and undecided if we will invest in a property in sydney for rental or just invest.... but we have a couple of months before we finalise all that sort of stuff.
anyways enough blab from me hopefully talk to you again soon
Im not what I want to be
Im not what Im gonna be
But thank God Im not what i was
Hi Kappy, hubby and I are retired and have given up everything except for what fits in our now home, we travel wherever we want to and stay as long as we like! Our caravan is the only home we have, didnt want to be tired down with storage fees either! Maybe its not for everyone but we are living our dream!