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Pubs to Ban celebration on Australia Day.
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Hundreds of pubs around our great land have decided to BAN Australia Day Celebrations. The reason it could / would affect some of their patrons.

Well, let me place on record, What about the majority of their patrons who wish to celebrate the birth of our nation?

if these pubs that are involved then they should be forced to close their door to the public.

Now that is going to affect their $$$ revenue. 

W.T.F. is going on with this great country of ours.

We constantly hear that Australia is the greatest country on the planet.

IT USE TO BE.  I repeat that IT USED TO BE.






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I always thought that 26 January marked the occasion of NSW becoming a British penal colony. I thought Australia didnt became a nation until 1st January 1901 when the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six States to govern collectively as the Commonwealth of Australia.



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January 26 as Australia Day sits well with me and always will as a day to celebrate our nation.


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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Yes, there is something very special about not only being the only one out of fifty three signatories to the Commonwealth Charter but the only nation on Earth that celebrates the date of colonisation as its national day. I wonder why no one else does.


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If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Maybe the mob that invaded (or colonised, or settled, use whatever term you wish) this country at three different times in history circa 40,000 years ago and killed off the original pygmy inhabitants that were allegedly here before the invasion from Central Africa and South East Asia that now form the welcome to (their) country mob, could in fact find their own day to celebrate that they figure as a suitable date that they too invaded?

The documentary type show of "Where did you really come from?" looked at the DNA of a prominent NITV personality and like all of us he originated from Central Africa. So, therefore, how can any race claim to be the longest living culture when that culture in Central Africa that eventually spread all over the world still exists in some way shape or form.

I wish all of the invested loudmouths in this country would just shelve all the fairytales and move on with living in peace as one all together.



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I think it is greatly unfair that the people of New Guinea have their Independence Day on September 16th to celebrate, naturally their independence yet we get nuthin"

Why don't we also get a day to celebrate our taking them over as a Territory in 1906. We celebrate the Brits coming here, why not us going there.



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DMaxer wrote:

I always thought that 26 January marked the occasion of NSW becoming a British penal colony. I thought Australia didnt became a nation until 1st January 1901 when the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six States to govern collectively as the Commonwealth of Australia.

DMaxer wrote:

Yes, there is something very special about not only being the only one out of fifty three signatories to the Commonwealth Charter but the only nation on Earth that celebrates the date of colonisation as its national day. I wonder why no one else does.




"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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i wonder what this country would look like if the British did not colonize this land ?



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dogbox wrote:

i wonder what this country would look like if the British did not colonize this land ?



Very good point, all that are not happy about what we are, think again. 

Love Australia as it is and be grateful or try leaving, you will not be missed.  


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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By all means let's have a national day that we can all celebrate, but choosing a day which commemorates the establishment of the colony of NSW is telling the world that Australians have no understanding of their own history.


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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It is my view that all sensible/real Aussies love and fully understand the value of OUR national day of celebration. JANUARY 26.
Don't agree, refer to my post above at 1.24pm.


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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Aussie1 wrote:

It is my view that all sensible/real Aussies love and fully understand the value of OUR national day of celebration. JANUARY 26.
Don't agree, refer to my post above at 1.24pm.

The First Australians don't agree. Where are they going to go?


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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rmoor wrote:

I wish all of the invested loudmouths in this country would just shelve all the fairytales and move on with living in peace as one all together.

         I agree.


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dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

It is my view that all sensible/real Aussies love and fully understand the value of OUR national day of celebration. JANUARY 26.
Don't agree, refer to my post above at 1.24pm.

The First Australians don't agree. Where are they going to go?




Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters.

Good divisive post but, well in line with "some" today.  We are ALL Australians. No one any better than anyone else.

Hey, I don't even mind some calling Ayres Rock, Fraser Island etc etc,  something else. Their choice.

Have a very Happy Australia Day on January 26, 2025 and may you celebrate many more in the years ahead.  



We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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Aussie1 wrote:

 Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters. 

 Mundine is an Uncle Tom.


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

 Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters. 

 Mundine is an Uncle Tom.





We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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Aussie1 wrote:
dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

 Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters. 

 Mundine is an Uncle Tom.





The referendum was sabotaged by Uncle Toms. Mundine was one, Price was another. The fact is that a majority of indigenous people supported the referendum, in spite of Mundine et al.

In any case, since when does a democracy require the assent of ALL the people for any changes? 


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:
dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

 Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters. 

 Mundine is an Uncle Tom.





The referendum was sabotaged by Uncle Toms. Mundine was one, Price was another. The fact is that a majority of indigenous people supported the referendum, in spite of Mundine et al.

In any case, since when does a democracy require the assent of ALL the people for any changes? 




And some cannot accept a loss. no

You a supporter of the Democrats by any chance? Your demeanour  appears so, as they struggle with defeat also biggrin



We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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I am very proud to tell you that circa 1825 in Ireland my great-great-grandmother Bridget Broderick was given a free trip to Australia for a small misdemeanor. After serving her 7 years she then married my Great Great Grandfather.
So in real terms, I am of Irish blood. But I call Australia Home.

By the way, it appears that the CEO of the pub company has apologised re his comments about not celebrating Australia Day and they are taking bookings for the celebrations at their pubs.

Finally, common sense prevailed.




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JayDee wrote:

Finally, common sense prevailed.


 I think he had a vision ..... all the dollar signs walking out the door.

Go woke, go broke.


dogbox wrote:

i wonder what this country would look like if the British did not colonize this land ?

A very good point. Would ANYONE want things the way they were? Of course there is zero chance the country would have remained as it was. If it had not been the British, what other colonisers would have resulted in a better outcome?

-- Edited by Are We Lost on Monday 2nd of December 2024 07:30:25 PM



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I dont think it is about the outcome. Australia is a fantastic place. Its about being inclusive and having a date that everyone can celebrate. Keep the 26th as penal settlement day and then have a different day where we can all feel good about being one people.


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I read the article about The Pygmy Myth Debunked. It reeks to me of something written by a Pretendian.

I watched a very interesting show on TV last week on NITV on Pretendians. Pretend Indians in Canada and the USA.

There is a growing trend of many who have absolutely no Indian blood in their history or in the case of Canada, many have 1 to 2% but do not celebrate or recognise the culture. Canada is an older country than ours in terms of recent history so there has been a greater level of assimilation. Which is in fact very much a natural phenomenon.
These Pretendians are destroying the culture, re-writing the history and profiting from government handouts for scholarships, jobs and the like.

A similar thing is happening in our country. The locals refer to them as Pop-ups. I know several people with no indigenous blood in their veins whatsoever that tick the box simply to get significant medical and other benefits. There is a strange consistency with this group I have noticed too, they come exclusively from one side of politics with one-eyed support. Some openly brag about it.

No prizes for guessing there.

I have many indigenous friends I laugh with and interact with on an almost daily basis and I DO respect their culture and history. Although tiring, like so many do, of the fairytale re-written history we have had forced upon us in recent years, flags with colours, that never existed previously, welcome ceremonies adapted and altered from old customs that are a new fad, the list goes on.

I think our own Pretendians have contributed a lot to this and it needs to be put in check before it goes too far and we end up with a Gaza/Syria/Ukraine like situation in our own great country.

Many in this country cannot see the forest for the trees.

Or they see profits from the claims, verbal or monetary, true or false, that they make.

A country where if the likes of my late father (Milne Bay, Tarakan, Moratai, Borneo) did not do their bit, NONE of us would be here now......

We have since developed into a spoiled, greedy, history altering, whinging nation of the entitled and it is only a noisy minority driving this so it appears.


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dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:
dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

 Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters. 

 Mundine is an Uncle Tom.





The referendum was sabotaged by Uncle Toms. Mundine was one, Price was another. The fact is that a majority of indigenous people supported the referendum, in spite of Mundine et al.

In any case, since when does a democracy require the assent of ALL the people for any changes? 



I played touch footy against a teen Warren Mundine many decades ago (he was quick then    ).

He is a good bloke with his heart in the right place.

He has many relatives in the town I was born and live in, his relatives here are wonderful, salt of the earth people.

He has a view, we are all entitled to our own views and beliefs.


I don't know if name-calling of him is a fair call though?



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I have always thought of Australia Day as a day to celebrate Australia. Not a remembrance day of landings and invasions. We live in a wonderful part of the world and we should ALL celebrate how lucky we are.



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rmoor wrote:
dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:
dorian wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

 Can you prove that ALL First Australians don't agree. Refer the referendum results. You should have a chat with Warren Mundine for starters. 

 Mundine is an Uncle Tom.





The referendum was sabotaged by Uncle Toms. Mundine was one, Price was another. The fact is that a majority of indigenous people supported the referendum, in spite of Mundine et al.

In any case, since when does a democracy require the assent of ALL the people for any changes? 



I played touch footy against a teen Warren Mundine many decades ago (he was quick then    ).

He is a good bloke with his heart in the right place.

He has many relatives in the town I was born and live in, his relatives here are wonderful, salt of the earth people.

He has a view, we are all entitled to our own views and beliefs.


I don't know if name-calling of him is a fair call though?




Good balanced post Ronald, thank you. I to, have a great respect for the gentleman.


I also feel Dorian's reference was a sad reference to Warren Mundine. But, on the other hand he, Warren, would simply ignore such comments because he is the bigger person. 


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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msg wrote:

I have always thought of Australia Day as a day to celebrate Australia. Not a remembrance day of landings and invasions. We live in a wonderful part of the world and we should ALL celebrate how lucky we are.





We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 

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Yes I can see that New Years Day is a much more relevant day and would stand out in the calendar. Face it, if Australia Day moved to New Years Day, it would disappear in the New Years celebrations. Also if it was moved to a more relevant date for so called First Nations people, it would be irrelevant for over 90% of the population.

Derek Barnes

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"Good balanced post Ronald, thank you. I to, have a great respect for the gentleman.

I also feel Dorian's reference was a sad reference to Warren Mundine. But, on the other hand he, Warren, would simply ignore such comments because he is the bigger person."

Thanks. I try to stay balanced but do tend to lean one way.
But one also has to stay balanced and fair-minded growing up and going to school in a country town with at times up to 40% of indigenous population.

I actually had to google the term dorian used, I was not familiar with it.
I will not repeat the term here as I find it very offensive.

Sure, Mr Mundine might turn the other cheek, but when I gave it thought last night I realised that was why I was ignorant to the term, I and many who live here would be also.
It is not a term anyone in my town would be game to use.
I also thought if someone walked into a local pub and directed that term to one of a few of our indigenous mates that live in this town, then that person would be very likely to wake up in the emergency ward of the local hospital.

It would be extremely unhealthy to use that term in many bush towns.
Which is why "that term" is not in our vocabulary.



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dorian wrote:

By all means let's have a national day that we can all celebrate, but choosing a day which commemorates the establishment of the colony of NSW is telling the world that Australians have no understanding of their own history.

there was a piece written that listed what happened on certain dates starting with Capt. Cook 1770, then first fleet in 1788, our federation 1901, ect,ect ect. can't find it at the moment but i think a lot of people confuse January 26 with a lot of other things that happened on other dates, i thought January 26 was the date that Australians became our own identity an we could travel on an Australian passport including people of aboriginal heritage instead of British travel documents?

please correct me if i am wrong


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I think the 29th of February would be the safest.
The 29th because then all the knockers, whingers, bullies and traitors would only come out every 4 years then and give the selected day a hack as they are doing now.

On a note referencing the thread above, I found some email addresses on that website of the foreign owned whinging pub.

I had a bit of fun with them this morning via email, pointing out that all my mates and I are happy they list all their venues on their website. It is now an informative website of pubs to avoid at all costs.

Also questioned how much company tax they pay in Australia. Sure, they would have a big PAYG bill and no doubt pay GST in a huge amount. (Be interesting to know eh?).
If one can believe what is written (we cop so much propaganda, one directional views and missinformation these days) the pubs are owned by a Hong Kong billionaire soon to offload the business on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

I hope they kick the can for capital gains tax too???

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