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Post Info TOPIC: Do you Grey Nomads believe that cyclists and cycletourers should be banned from the road, or are they entitled:


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Do you Grey Nomads believe that cyclists and cycletourers should be banned from the road, or are they entitled:

like you to use the road for their quite enjoyment?. Why I am asking this question is I am coming back to bicycletouring with my dog, mainly on quiet country roads, and last weekend I was abused by a Bob and Marge Grey Nomad couple for being on the road out here. They actually followed me into a rest area, just outside my town to abuse me for being on the road way out here. It disgusted me, and I wonder how many grey nomads believe the same?.


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Nope. Provided bike riders are using common sense and keeping as far left as they can they don't bother me. I do have an issue with groups of riders spreading themselves all over the road, particularly on winding hilly roads such as around near where I live. You can come on them very suddenly and I have had a couple of near misses with the idiots who just because they can want to exercise their right and risk life and limb in pursuit of those rights. If they stayed left in single file it isn't a problem.


Greg O'Brien


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The thing is , bike riders are allowed by law and even advised to ride two abreast. It's when you ride on the left white line, is when c.vanners and all vehicles try to fit between you and the semi coming in the other direction, ultimately getting the cyclist run over or off the road. In NSW you must give 1.5 metres between you and the bike by law in an 100km area, and 1 meter up to 60km area. I have good camera footage showing virtually nobody abiding by the law, have shown it to police and even they don't care. So we are pretty much cannon fodder.

-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Saturday 21st of September 2024 08:00:37 PM


Ric - The Eccentric One

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on the open road cyclists should be on the right going against traffic, like pedestrians.



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Sometimes annoying but for the most I am very patient.

We have a wonderful son who is a bike rider, enjoys doing 100 ks long rides.


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Regardless of what the road rules might state, I'd say that common sense and courtesy towards other road users for cyclists should include keeping to the left and riding single file (when other vehicles are around) so that faster vehicles can pass safely and with a safe distance between cars and bikes. 

It doesn't matter if it's a bike/car/truck/tractor,  it's important to share the road and be considerant of other road users.





-- Edited by Rodsvan on Sunday 22nd of September 2024 08:07:17 AM


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Grey nomads are not a cult with all the same beliefs and actions. Most people, grey nomads or not, wouldn't abuse anybody in that manner, a few of all ages would.



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If we have to put up with them a yearly registration fee would seem to me to be fair. They use the road they should make a contribution like the rest of us.As for cycle tours just hope that you never get stuck behind them.

Yes, I have had some hairy experiences with cyclists who think that they own the road.


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Thomas Paine.


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Not sure about a yearly registration fee, but I do believe they should all have number plates so they can be identified, (a small fee would be required to cover costs) they aren't the innocent miss treated victims they would have us believe they are.



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blackstump wrote:

Not sure about a yearly registration fee, but I do believe they should all have number plates so they can be identified, (a small fee would be required to cover costs) they aren't the innocent miss treated victims they would have us believe they are.





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Bicyclecamper wrote:

The thing is , bike riders are allowed by law and even advised to ride two abreast. It's when you ride on the left white line, is when c.vanners and all vehicles try to fit between you and the semi coming in the other direction, ultimately getting the cyclist run over or off the road. In NSW you must give 1.5 metres between you and the bike by law in an 100km area, and 1 meter up to 60km area. I have good camera footage showing virtually nobody abiding by the law, have shown it to police and even they don't care. So we are pretty much cannon fodder.

-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Saturday 21st of September 2024 08:00:37 PM


I certainly dont feel that cyclists should be banned from any road they wish to ride or tour on, as we all are entitled to travel in our preferred manner.

That said, I was only talking to Kathy yesterday, while watching a dash cam video, and discussed the seeming passing of defensive driving as a skill, where drivers take some responsibility for avoiding incidents, beyond the Im in the right argument. The hospitals and morgues fill up with people who may have been in the right, but came out second best in the argument with a car or worse.

There are bad drivers, just as there are bad cyclists, and we just have to be aware of the need to be responsible for our own safety, which may mean foregoing being in the right, and being willing to give up the right to keep ourselves safe. Its annoying, but at least we get to drive or ride another day.

Enjoy your travelling.

-- Edited by TheHeaths on Sunday 22nd of September 2024 09:26:15 AM


Regards Ian


Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done

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Hi Ric, don't let one bad apple spoil your fun.


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No I won't Stretch, I am going regardless, except with bike trailer I am almost a metre wide, so where cars normally only give me 2 inches from my elbows, I am really worried for my dog, as the trailer, which has a big bright flag and flashing lights has been hit twice by two different Bob's and Marge's caravans. I had done since 2016 to 2022 when I was scared off the road 30,000km, mostly outback. No trouble in the outback, always on tar roads I get the trouble. Milo has been with me on the road since the start, and was almost killed in the first accident, god help anyone whom runs us down again and he is harmed!


Ric - The Eccentric One

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I understand how you feel Ric, I ride my bicycle at least 100km a week to keep fit. I do think some people like to give us a scare, their way of saying get off the road. I live in the a rural farming area and l now choose to keep off all main roads when l'm out for a ride.


Home is where I park the rig.

Tug 2016 D-Maxine

Den 2009 Goldie RV


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the cyclist is always the one that comes off second best !

unfortunately, most of our country roads have very little margins past the fog line so the cyclists need to travel in the lane that cars trucks caravans use which puts them at great risk from people in a hurry/not paying attention ect ect



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I will list in order of appearance as the worst drivers to the best to pass me: 1. Caravanners; 2. Young blokes in 4wd's; 3. People in transit like vans; 4. Truckies. The truckies are the best, and 99% of the time, they are on a lookout; the caravanners are the worst, the driver is yacking with each other and looking everywhere outside the windows looking at views, never looking out in front of where they should be driving.

-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 24th of September 2024 04:27:15 PM


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Registration and insurance.

I got hit by a bike in traffic. Scraped all down one side. Idiot was overtaking
on lhs.

$5800 damage.

Bike rider just pissed off after looking back. Thank goodness I have front and
rear cameras.

Saw him months later and secretly followed him to his home.

Instigated a civil action, and with the footage from the cams managed to get
my money. But consider myself very lucky. This is the problem - no ID.

Saw one run a very elderly lady right over on the footpath in Beaumont St Hamilton
and she sustained a broken leg and abrasions everywhere. Rider just pissed off
without so much as a howdy-do.

Unfortunately I was on foot.

Have to have ID !!!!!!

They oppose it vehemently!!




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hi, not a grey nomad yet (still practising), but i think you just came across a tense couple after a barney with each other. either that or they're just pricks! provided you're doing nothing my more intelligent co-driver constantly reminds me - "the car always wins"! i'm too good looking to go to jail for negligent driving so happy to give bikes the wide berth



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so true! I'd rather be hit head on by a car than just clipped from behind and knocked onto the verge.


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Being mostly a country driver and ex truckie I'm amazed at people taking their lives in hand by riding on our rural roads, most barely wide enough for 2 vehicles and as for giving a rider metre or more , its not possible most times and if I have a road train coming at me I usually drop a set off the road to leave him the road so a pushie had better move quickly.....

Legislation is one thing but it can only work if the environment its written for actually exists................. I think your about right with your summation of drivers also, I try to steer clear of other vans as find them to be a bit scary, you never sure what they will do, something from my trucking days and confirmed in Nomad times, I think I have survived this long because Im always on the lookout and aware of the surrounds ..................

People ignore Speed limits, Stop and Give way signs and lights so a rule about bike riders is another to ignore, I think riders should be more aware of their surrounds, not just road users but the terrain, how far from the corner /hill can I be seen thats the thing, if a truck is coming towards I would be instantly watching behind and also looking for a place to run....

As a kid pushies were riden towards the oncoming traffic so both of you could see the other and time to dodge............... At 100kph coming onto someone doing maybe 20kph doesn't leave much time for anything...............


Checking out the places I drove past a thousand times................


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I think, before we start thinking of licensing bike riders (dumb idea), lets have caravanners licensed to tow and do a course, I, and sure everyone else has, seen some very unroadworthy caravanners doing dangerous things, leaving us bewildered some days.

Then again, yes I ride, but would I ride on the highways or busy streets nope


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As road users we should all be responsible for our actions / inactions. Cyclists seem to be exempt because they cannot be identified. Why should they get a free ride??



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BarneyBDB wrote:

As road users we should all be responsible for our actions / inactions. Cyclists seem to be exempt because they cannot be identified. Why should they get a free ride??

 They should not. I agree. just on tonight's news a cyclist caught keying cars as he rides by. To my

way of thinking a bloody good reason to have them registered with a plate in full view.


They're not bloody pedestrians!!




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Some "pedestrians" should also have a rego plate....

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