The ANEMO is running the biggest ponsi game suggesting the new interconnector between SA/Vic and NSW will transmit renewable power between staates.
At this very moment only 2 states have excess power generation and thats Qld and Tas, NSW is almost always short every day, SA most nights requires a top up and generally Vic has an excess.
Tassie has an excess of renewable power so they send it to Victoria via the interconnector to the Latrobe Valley, so that gets blended with non renewable power before its moved to SA, Qld sends its excess power to NSW and if the have a bit left over they send it to Vic who will use it or move a little more to SA.
It is food for thought that as the states who have the power available become under stress to continue to provide others then it may be the case that a state decision not to contribute to the grid will become very political.
I could envisage that those voters in those states that have the power may not want to sit in the cold and the dark due to that state generated power heading elsewhere.
It is probably not as simple as my sentence immediately above but us humans are a weird lot.
The continual grab for renewable power to provide us all in Australia is at best, foolish.
Just maybe there are Units producing 30-40% of capacity then when a problem arises they simply kick in more Mills. I'm sure they are on top of the job at hand.