The Jokes Thread I used to read and post to it, but now I dont even bother. Why I will not open any of the Tic Toc, or movie posts. Now I dont even bother opening the thread at all.
What do you like or dislike about the Jokes Section.
Whether a joke is funny or not is surely an individual thing. Tik Tok is Chinese, nuff sed about that. We do not participate in any social media, that is our choice. I find the joke section is amusing most of the time, so long live the joke section.
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
I don't bother opening any of the links in the jokes section. If I wanted to troll the internet for jokes I would just do it myself, but I have plenty of other things to do in a day.
Please keep posting Jokes as Jokes, sometimes satire leads us into digression and heaven help those who post a joke about the current Govt, we suddenly visit Long Bay or Pentridge every Sunday.
Seldom is there a new joke, but often a better way of telling it.
I love the "Just Joking" section. More facts and less BS here than in the other sections and if the jokes recycle, no problem as most are still funny second or third time around.
I can't wait each day I open Grey Nomads Forum to get to the jokes.
All you contributors to the "Just Joking Forum", please keep up your contributions.
I think I must have missed the reason behind this thread - from comments it appears that there has been another bunfight.
Not surprising if I missed something in the jokes thread as I only have a look now & again. Perhaps 5% of those I see raise a smile. 1% an actual laugh.
'Jokes' which are humour at the expense of others, or are 'dogwhistling' are a waste of my time & when I do see them I just wish the poster were able to show better judgement.
Looking to see who posted is a fairly good guide to the above, & thus who's jokes to pass by without opening them.
I suspect that it's easier to get away with many of the 'isms when one can repost others' jibes in the form of jokes & memes.
Some of the 'smut' has smile value, but most is childish, offensive &/or thoughtless. I confess to smiling at 'Defense Attorney; posted by Aussie Paul
I also don't open unknown attachments or videos. At the very least I'd want the poster to tell me what & where the link is to, before I would consider checking it out.
On the rare occasion someone posts a goody which tickles my fancy I read it to my wife so we can both have a good laugh.
Most recently another posted by AussiePaul - Dad n Dave - simple, snappy, witty & funny. We both groaned & laughed.
Like a few already, I do not open links to "whatever land" sources of humour, but do enjoy reading jokes I have selected and suits my idea of humour - free world, free choice it IS after all on a forum, which means ALL sorts of stuff will present and its an individual choice to read or dump.
Cheers - Ian
I slowly realise as I get older that I am definitely NOT the fastest rat in the race.
Also the older I get the more I realise I do not know.
A smile, groan or belly laugh, even a recycled joke can be good. During form (roll call) I had a bunch of teacher/dad jokes that Id read to my students (year 9, 10 and 11 combined), Id get the groans and roll eyes, but when I didnt have any, thered be complaints. Always great to start the day with a laugh. I felt it set the students into their first class a bit more relaxed. Some of these kids had horrific home life.