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Towing Safety it can be so simple.
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Further to the excellent information compiled by oldbloke on here

Here are some basic tips explaining what is necessary.

The video, although being basically an advert has some great information which regard to towing and using caravans.

These checks can be done on any weighbridge and by following the check sheet on the Grey Nomads forum link above any operator will then have some basic idea as to the safety of the unit he intends to operate.

Safety begins and ends with the driver. The driver is in control of what compliance he or she may adopt or heed when it comes to the towing combination.


-- Edited by Rob Driver on Tuesday 1st of March 2022 10:24:07 AM




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Hi Rob,
I thankyou on behalf of all newbie's.A great video.And yes combined with my fantastic document will help many new vanners.Clearly you have a wonderful understanding of the physics of towing.It's up to us highly experienced vanners to pass our knowledge onto the newbie's.It's a shame that more do not take that attitude and just focus on themselves.Cheers:)OB

P.S. Must run I feel a dangerous goods emergency coming.


P.P.S. I forgot to attach the terrific document that I wrote for fellow members to ensure that they are safe.

-- Edited by oldbloke on Tuesday 1st of March 2022 11:16:34 AM




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Once again oldbloke, you are to be commended for your prompt attention to loading the PDF document for all to be able to access.

I think the document and the video complement themselves when pointing out the importance of getting everything right when towing a combination.

Onward and upward from here on mate.




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Reminds me of,"up and away".






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Rob Driver wrote:

Further to the excellent information compiled by oldbloke on here

Here are some basic tips explaining what is necessary.

The video, although being basically an advert has some great information which regard to towing and using caravans.

These checks can be done on any weighbridge and by following the check sheet on the Grey Nomads forum link above any operator will then have some basic idea as to the safety of the unit he intends to operate.

Safety begins and ends with the driver. The driver is in control of what compliance he or she may adopt or heed when it comes to the towing combination.


-- Edited by Rob Driver on Tuesday 1st of March 2022 10:24:07 AM

 It actually is very simple to understand and almost as simple to comply.

The endless pages of arguments or discussions should all lead back to these two very simple links.

It certainly leaves doubt as to the real reasons why some contributors just need to complicate the process so that it makes themselves stand out on a forum.




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Hell, I note some info has been closed off since I was here last. 

I must have missed something. cry




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Yes, the other thread had been locked almost a day after a warning. I have no idea why. And had no messages from mods. I can only guess someone had a winge.


P. S.  To my knowledge no posts have deleted. 

-- Edited by oldbloke on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 09:38:59 PM




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I havent been on here all day yesterday and most of today, maybe some are starting to see through the rubbish that is posted by the main person for no other reason than to cause disruption.

This total crap is becoming evident in yet another post at the moment. False presentation is being represented by pictures downloaded from the internet.

It wont be long I would guess.

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 10:28:40 PM




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Rob Driver wrote:

I havent been on here all day yesterday and most of today, maybe some are starting to see through the rubbish that is posted by the main person for no other reason than to cause disruption.

This total crap is becoming evident in yet another post at the moment. False presentation is being represented by pictures downloaded from the internet.

It wont be long I would guess.

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 10:28:40 PM


What have I missed? 




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oldbloke wrote:
Rob Driver wrote:

I havent been on here all day yesterday and most of today, maybe some are starting to see through the rubbish that is posted by the main person for no other reason than to cause disruption.

This total crap is becoming evident in yet another post at the moment. False presentation is being represented by pictures downloaded from the internet.

It wont be long I would guess.

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 10:28:40 PM


What have I missed? 

 Hi oldbloke 

From here ;

This deliberate disruption is getting worse or maybe he thinks he hasnt done enough to ruin almost every topic on here.

You can see why he has been removed from other platforms.




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Rob Driver wrote:

 Hi oldbloke

From here ;

This deliberate disruption is getting worse or maybe he thinks he hasnt done enough to ruin almost every topic on here.

You can see why he has been removed from other platforms.

 You pair are no better.

It is high time that all 3 of you stopped with the childish behaviour, as you have just about destroyed this forum with your continual crap.

Bill B


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Bill B wrote:
Rob Driver wrote:

 Hi oldbloke

From here ;

This deliberate disruption is getting worse or maybe he thinks he hasnt done enough to ruin almost every topic on here.

You can see why he has been removed from other platforms.

 You pair are no better.

It is high time that all 3 of you stopped with the childish behaviour, as you have just about destroyed this forum with your continual crap.

 Yes Bill, unbelievable they can't comprehend that posts have been closed because of their personal attacks on others. Eyes wide closed.


Chris & Sharyn.

Tea Gardens. NSW.

2015 VW Touareg V6 Air suspension, 2012 Jayco Sterling 21.


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Fair go fellas,

I ask you take the time to go back through the topics and notice how they may start with an enquiry or a simple fact being stated.

The conversation generally goes along smoothly until a certain person decides that we all should know just how good he is.
To get his point across it is almost always a personal attack on one or more posters but he manages to single out each one eventually unless the topic is locked.

I personally am sick to death of him and I may suggest that if you guys contributed with anything that he thought he could belittle you for, then he would be right onto you both as well.

If you note I stopped contributing to weights and measures topics because he always contradicted everything I said and I can take contradiction but his continual condescending remarks is what gets up my nose.

Oldbloke has persistently asked him for a list of procedures that any newby may follow but as you both may have noticed, that didnt eventuate.

The forum moderator states as a reason for closing a topic is generally personal attacks and it is, but provocation should come into it as well.
In topics gone by I have repeatedly asked him for his qualifications to ensure at least some validation of his at times outlandish statements, again without success because he is not qualified.

He has been removed from other forums for his antics and yet we all still have to put up with his rubbish.

Did you notice since I have stopped replying on the subject of weights he has now proceded to ruin another topic of mine in the I digress forum on a professional driver hooking up multiple trailers.
I posted it as a matter of interest to others, not an invitation to him to come on and inform us of his current conquests with really big road trains out in the bush.

He just cannot help himself as he probably sees me as a threat to his ability to provide the glowing reports of himaelf.

Just take the time to read the topic I started  titled *How it is done* as a perfect example where others have commended the skill of the operaror in reversing a couple of trailers but this expert has to come on and tell us all that he is doing something better.

Do you two want others not to start any topic just in case our resident peanut comes on and disrupts it. We all wonder what he will be an expert on next.

Dont tell me it is us two that are ruining the forum.

He has a questionable attitude and as I said before, he needs help.

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Friday 4th of March 2022 11:38:37 AM




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Here is a link to the topic in which he once again had to ruin with his rubbish from very doubtful sources.

Have a read and tell me where the trouble lies.

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Friday 4th of March 2022 11:43:21 AM

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Friday 4th of March 2022 12:06:14 PM




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I too have had such disagreements but I think it's time to stop these comments before yet another thread gets closed. Some on here have also been guilty of inflaming things.



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Forgive me for coming back in defence again as I am sitting here thinking how this is all panning out.

If the forum were to get rid or silence every person with a view that he doesnt ageee with then you would probably not have a forum anyway.

Even boab and Dougwe in the link to the topic immediately above anticipated so very accurately what was going to happen and low and behold he popped up with his usual nonsense.

It is unfortunate that many good members are just expecting this rubbish.




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Are We Lost wrote:

I too have had such disagreements but I think it's time to stop these comments before yet another thread gets closed. Some on here have also been guilty of inflaming things.

 Why, so that the one who is responsible for the repeated problems in every topic that he posts in gets away with it once again. This is why he was removed from other forums.

Heres a thought.

If the moderator wants to remove me from the forum then I am happy to go,


If he is not on here there will be no cause for constant arguing and requests from others of providing validation for some of his nonsense.

If I am not on here then it goes without saying that there will be one less to challenge the crap he posts.





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Rob Driver wrote:
Are We Lost wrote:

I too have had such disagreements but I think it's time to stop these comments before yet another thread gets closed. Some on here have also been guilty of inflaming things.

 Why, so that the one who is responsible for the repeated problems in every topic that he posts in gets away with it once again. This is why he was removed from other forums.

Heres a thought.

If the moderator wants to remove me from the forum then I am happy to go,


If he is not on here there will be no cause for constant arguing and requests from others of providing validation for some of his nonsense.

If I am not on here then it goes without saying that there will be one less to challenge the crap he posts.


 This is the important point. There is a common denominator on this forum when it comes to threads being locked.  Guess who?  I'm astounded that mods are yet to realise that and act decisively.




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Rob Driver wrote:
Are We Lost wrote:

I too have had such disagreements but I think it's time to stop these comments before yet another thread gets closed. Some on here have also been guilty of inflaming things.

 Why, so that the one who is responsible for the repeated problems in every topic that he posts in gets away with it once again. This is why he was removed from other forums.

Heres a thought.

If the moderator wants to remove me from the forum then I am happy to go,


If he is not on here there will be no cause for constant arguing and requests from others of providing validation for some of his nonsense.

If I am not on here then it goes without saying that there will be one less to challenge the crap he posts.


 No Rob,

Dont do it.

The peanut concerned is just not worth it.

He offers nothing to this forum apart from his constant disruption.

You should not have to go because we are all being forced to tolerate an idiot.

If it does get to moderation and action I hope that common sense will prevail.




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Ivan 01 wrote:
Rob Driver wrote:
Are We Lost wrote:

I too have had such disagreements but I think it's time to stop these comments before yet another thread gets closed. Some on here have also been guilty of inflaming things.

 Why, so that the one who is responsible for the repeated problems in every topic that he posts in gets away with it once again. This is why he was removed from other forums.

Heres a thought.

If the moderator wants to remove me from the forum then I am happy to go,


If he is not on here there will be no cause for constant arguing and requests from others of providing validation for some of his nonsense.

If I am not on here then it goes without saying that there will be one less to challenge the crap he posts.


 No Rob,

Dont do it.

The peanut concerned is just not worth it.

He offers nothing to this forum apart from his constant disruption.

You should not have to go because we are all being forced to tolerate an idiot.

If it does get to moderation and action I hope that common sense will prevail.



 Hi Ivan

Thank you for your kind thoughts.

My response above was brought about by two members who directed their comments at me being the disruptor and then another who suggested that this should stop before another thread gets closed.

I have said that I am fed up with this idiot and his condescending attitude to me and several others on here. In fact he has a rude attitude to anyone who doesnt agree wholeheartedly with him.

I have also asked that what direction would the forum be heading if all of those who did not agree with this peanut were silenced from commenting so as to *keep the peace* It appears that at present at least a couple of members might want this.

I might suggest that it would be the demise of the forum. This is why he has been removed from other platforms. Unfortunately he lacks any skill at all to provide a sensible debate, and lets face it, he cant even write correctly which in my opinion is another deliberate ploy to disrupt others.

I have said my piece and I will leave it there.

Thank you for your support Ivan

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Friday 4th of March 2022 02:10:10 PM




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Cant agree with you Rob
You provide good and accurate info on here.
Delete that post or edit your suggestion out of it.


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Hi Rob,

I know you have tried to stay away from his comments on weights tow bars and other stuff that he is an authority on and you have done well but when he spews his nonsense into a topic which was posted purely as an interest, I dont blame you for spitting the dummy.

It is not acceptable that you offer your membership on here to appease the views of his fanboys and for that matter his views as well.

Lets see how many of those followers would offer to leave permanently if the shoe was on the other foot.

I know that answer, the answer would be no one.

They can all line up with quips of support to gain forum status with some others but none of them have the constitution you have with that offer.

Personally I agree with Ivan, why let those fan boys win in the hope of having him removed.

Lests see if Yobar relinquishes his membership if you go. I dont thinks so. He has at the end of the list of forums that will have him.

What I really dont understand is why a bloke who knows so much about trucks and transport and openly used to completely rubbish caravanners is on a Caravan Forum and not a Trucking Forum.
Hang on, him on a truck forum would be like the reception he used to get when he arrived at the roadhouse and would impose himself upon the poor drivers who were just wanting a break and a quiet meal.

Just hang in there Rob, I am sure it will work out in the end and this forum will be the better for it.




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Blxxdy hell is there a topic here somewhere?

No forum is all about it's members it's about informative topics and conversation.

Not the gunfight at the OK coral!


Monty. RV Dealer.


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Clarky 1 wrote:

Hi Rob,

I know you have tried to stay away from his comments on weights tow bars and other stuff that he is an authority on and you have done well but when he spews his nonsense into a topic which was posted purely as an interest, I dont blame you for spitting the dummy.

It is not acceptable that you offer your membership on here to appease the views of his fanboys and for that matter his views as well.

Lets see how many of those followers would offer to leave permanently if the shoe was on the other foot.

I know that answer, the answer would be no one.

They can all line up with quips of support to gain forum status with some others but none of them have the constitution you have with that offer.

Personally I agree with Ivan, why let those fan boys win in the hope of having him removed.

Lets see if Yobar relinquishes his membership if you go. I dont thinks so. He has at the end of the list of forums that will have him.

You might like to advise what forums are on "the list of forums" that I have been removed from? There isn't such a list, with only the Caravanners forum banning me after my posts about the severe towing limitations of an LC200 were proven to be true. One of the moderators, a right little RAY of sunshine who has an LC200, decided that I would be banned, with no right of reply, and no chance to defend myself. However, I will wait with bated breath for you to supply a copy of the "list of forums".

What I really dont understand is why a bloke who knows so much about trucks and transport and openly used to completely rubbish caravanners is on a Caravan Forum and not a Trucking Forum.
Hang on, him on a truck forum would be like the reception he used to get when he arrived at the roadhouse and would impose himself upon the poor drivers who were just wanting a break and a quiet meal.

Possibly I should ask you which roadhouse you refer to, as I frequented only select roadhouses in my driving days, and very rarely said anything to any other drivers, other than the usual pleasantries. Your accusation seems to be based only on the fact that my given name is Chris? Publicly making such a baseless accusation could perhaps be libellous? Anyway, please simply explain yourself, or "ferme la bouche". Cheers

Just hang in there Rob, I am sure it will work out in the end and this forum will be the better for it.



-- Edited by yobarr on Friday 4th of March 2022 09:25:49 PM




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I have done my level best to stay out of your posts.

I have left you to impress your fan boys without interference from me.

You have no respect whatsoever.

You continued on and on in the topic where the subject was a UTube video of a driver reversing a double to hitch the third trailer.

Even when you were pulled up by the rubbish you expected us all to believe you still persisted with your carry on.

You destroyed yet another topic for no reason but to boast your inadequacies to the forum. Yes inadequacies.

I then suppose when you were in a corner with the fairy tale you spun is that you then got on the message forum to Cindy to have the entire topic removed.
This included the basic and informal link to the video and a little bit of general banter before you ruined yet another topic.

Yes you may have guessed, I am angry, I have been angry with your antics for most of today. You have no right to destroy every topic you participate in.

You are a forum troll and I just can not believe that you are still permitted to get away with your nonsense on here.

Go on now, run to Cindy and have this topic removed as well, after all it doesnt suit your agenda.

You need psychiatric help.




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Lol. Last time I accused him of being a troll the topic was locked. What was another good thread is about to get locked. Or deleted. But it will not change the truth.




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Rob Driver wrote:


I have done my level best to stay out of your posts.

I have left you to impress your fan boys without interference from me.

You have no respect whatsoever.

You continued on and on in the topic where the subject was a UTube video of a driver reversing a double to hitch the third trailer.

Even when you were pulled up by the rubbish you expected us all to believe you still persisted with your carry on.

You destroyed yet another topic for no reason but to boast your inadequacies to the forum. Yes inadequacies.

I then suppose when you were in a corner with the fairy tale you spun is that you then got on the message forum to Cindy to have the entire topic removed.
This included the basic and informal link to the video and a little bit of general banter before you ruined yet another topic.

Yes you may have guessed, I am angry, I have been angry with your antics for most of today. You have no right to destroy every topic you participate in.

You are a forum troll and I just can not believe that you are still permitted to get away with your nonsense on here.

Go on now, run to Cindy and have this topic removed as well, after all it doesnt suit your agenda.

You need psychiatric help.

 Initially I had decided to ignore this rant, but out of respect for Cindy, whose character you are questioning, I have decided to advise that NEVER have I "run to Cindy", and that my last communication with her was January last year (2021) when we discussed the setting up of a FAQ section in the weights and measures forum. It was agreed that this was too complicated, and the idea, which was not mine but suggested by a fellow GN, was subsequently discarded. Hope this helps settle you? Cheers




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oldbloke wrote:

Lol. Last time I accused him of being a troll the topic was locked. What was another good thread is about to get locked. Or deleted. But it will not change the truth.

 Yes, spot on oldbloke.

He will never change, deleting a topic will not turn him from a troll into a respectable human.

His last post is a beauty.

A troll at his best.

These are yobarrs words and a rare sample of punctuation, not mine. See members he can do punctuation if he thinks he will benefit by using it.


I have decided to advise that NEVER have I "run to Cindy",

Good night all.

-- Edited by Rob Driver on Friday 4th of March 2022 11:19:46 PM




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Give it a rest, you don't like the man we see that, everytime you comment! As you and your followers have said to humorous others, just move on don't read it.
You seem to be obsessed with his posting that's not good for your health and definitely not good for the forum in general.

Just my thoughts.




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You guys need to get a life.
I'm amazed that admin has not given the lot of you a holiday.
Move on.


Monty. RV Dealer.

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