Yep, and we changed every policy we had over to Budget. Half the price of the other. Our original comp. was Apia, and they doubled priced all 4 of my policies. And I had not had any claims.
Just make sure you are comparing apples with apples, read the PDF forms. I found this year that RACQ was the cheapest for me with the cover I was happy with.
Just re read my Elders Renewal notice, it says " Agreed Value " of $47000, or Market Value, whichever is lower !!. Must be getting old as I have never knowingly gone for Market Value for 40 odd years.
Actually you are right, the wife tells me it hasn't been insured this year, as it has not been on the road, for 12 months. Not to worry have a very interested 1st option buyer, this week, so maybe wont need to insure it again.
Actually you are right, the wife tells me it hasn't been insured this year, as it has not been on the road, for 12 months. Not to worry have a very interested 1st option buyer, this week, so maybe wont need to insure it again.
BIL had his caravan in the shed didn't renew insurance due to not planning on going anywhere ,electric bikes on charge ,started fire lost the lot. shed was insured just not the stuff in it
Who did he purchase the electric bike from? PM if you prefer.
i think it was bought off ebay , was stored in the shed an left on charge . the fire inspector/investigator traced the source of the fire to the battery/charger. apparently was a common problem with those hoover board that where all the rage a few years ago, leaving them on a charger unattended