There is a lot of information regarding the correct towbar for the latest Nissan Patrol. How ever it is all confusing as to weather I need a WDH or not.
Opinion 1 Nissan does not recommend the use of WDH on any of their vehicles in AUS. An aftermarket towbar makes no difference. A WDH induces significant additional loads on the vehicle frame. I've dealt with Japanese automotive engineers for many years and they have no idea of the concept of a WDH and do not take this into consideration when designing vehicles.
A correctly designed WDH system is one where the torsion bar is the fuse, i.e. it's the first point of failure and gives way before the vehicle frame does. The only way for an aftermarket towbar / WDH manufacturer to establish the point of failure of the vehicle frame, is to conduct destructive testing. I can guarantee you HR did not test their Y62 towbar / WDH on a vehicle to the point of failure.
Opinion 2 Others say they wouldn't tow a van without a WDH with good arguments also which contradicts opinion 1.
I'm leaning towards the Nissan towbar and using airbags for levelling purposes if needed.
Thanks Possum, The van will have a Dexter ESC fitted and I have contacted Nissan who have given the following reply
"As per your request, i have enquired with our technical department who advised we do not recommend weight distribution kits as they can be dangerous.
1. Weight distribution kits reduce the rig's balance and can cause swaying .
2. It can reduce the ability of the front wheels to steer efficiently and you risk exceeding the tow vehicles rear axle load limit."
I suppose this would refer to all makes and models of vehicles and puts the onus back on every one", or is it only Nissan ????????????
The van will have a GTM 2970 kg, ATM 330 kg and a Ball Weight of 170kg only approx at the moment but these are the figures that I have to work with.
".....and you risk exceeding the tow vehicle's rear axle load limit. Are these guys serious? They are either joking,or they have absolutely NO idea. You should be aiming for towball weight,when loaded, of around 10% of ATM,or 330kg,and with a rear axle capacity of 2030kg (from memory) you will have no problems,provided you load your car carefully.Forget the WDH....these over-rated pieces of equipment are used only by people trying to make a car do things for which it never was designed.If you load your car VERY carefully,you MAY be able to get to a laden weight of around 3400, including 330kg towball weight,and your GTM would be only 2970kg (3300kg minus 330kg towball weight),so your car is nearly 15% heavier than your van. This is excellent,and very safe,provided the van also is loaded carefully,with as much weight as possible close to,or over, the van's axle group. Forget the WDH....not needed in this circumstance,and a waste of time and money.Cheers
P.S There is absolutely no need to have a level van,unless it has non-load sharing suspension.
-- Edited by yobarr on Thursday 11th of February 2021 07:06:44 PM
I own a Y 62 fitted with a standard Nissan towbar and tow an offroad 2500kg ATM van without WDH but with airbags inside rear coil springs, ball weight ranges between 190 to 220kg depending on load in van. This combination has travelled over 40,000km in all States on all roads, without any issues whatsoever. I run the airbags up to 25 psi (Can go to 50psi) always allowing the van to have a slight nose down attitude (single axle van). You have no doubt noticed the receiver for the towing tongue is very, very short compared with other vehicle tow bars because of the position of the spare wheel under the rear of the vehicle. I think maybe Nissan are aware that this very short receiver could be problematic if a WDH is used (maybe not).
Thanks for your reply Buddy, Do you think it best to go with the H/R Bar and tongue then get the hitch if needed. I cannot do the nissan bar and add extras later?? I'm gettin old n grey and need things specifically said or simplified to save my brainpower. Does my head in drinkin and deciphering all this info. Wish it was all so easy.
Have a current series Y62 as well. I have airbags(Polyair for me) max 60psi bags and have fitted Kings springs to the rear which are approximately 25% stronger than standard. I intend to run the bags at about 40psi initially.
I am buying(have on order) a 22.6 Semi Offroader JB DRE and do not intend using a WDH with my Patrol.
I have a Nissan tow bar fitted. Had no problems with my previous caravan, the Patrol is great to tow with in my opinion.
Thanks Alan, We looked at the JB,they a a nice van but the price was too high for us. We went for a 19.6 Network RV instead with modifications and is on order also. Your van will be similar in weight and I will wait and see if I need airbags not sure about needing a spring upgrade though. Want to sort out the towbar issue first. As Ruffnut09 said earlier that the receiver for the towing tongue is very, very short compared with other vehicles I intend to get more info from the Nissan technical department.