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Caravan cover?

Can nomads give advice re: their choice of cover and why they chose it please. Have done lots of research none the wiser. Thanks!

Rosemarie O'Malley


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Hi you might not get to many responses on this subject most nomads are roaming about the place.The disadvantages are they are expensive,hard to put on,only last a year or two,they cover solar panel so no power..Every now and then Aldi have caravan covers on sale are are quite cheap but I personally would not bother unless the van was under trees and not used for long periods of time . Cheers



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GandR wrote:

Can nomads give advice re: their choice of cover and why they chose it please. Have done lots of research none the wiser. Thanks!

 I gave up on commercially made Caravan covers, having had two expensive one only last about 2 years before perishing. They were letting rain through long before I realised they strting to fail.  I just use the Big Grey Tarps you get from Bunnings.

Oh as well Just type "Caravan Covers" into the Search (Blue band top of page)  Heaps of past posts.



Mike & Ellie


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Why do you need to put a cover over the van at all?
Maybe you put one on the house when away????
The flapping of a cover and its movement in the wind will probably do more damage to the finish than it saves.


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I have a Qld built Stormcover aprox $2000 delivered to WA they are hail proof and built for your van .Mine is 3 yrs old mates is 5 and both still in very good condition living in the windy city of Geraldton have encountered no damage to the outside of the van .A recent tread it was stated that the van was hotter with a cover on I found the opposite with my Stormcover it,s cooler. I am more than happy with the cover.



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Carnauba wax once a year!


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We have an Adco for our MH, cost $500+ been on ( off and on) for 4 years. There is one made in Australia by Australian Caravan Covers at Forest Glen Qld. These are expensive but a fabulous unit also.



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I have always used heavy duty silver tarps fitted over poly styrene fruit boxes & then my shade cloth floor mat over the lot.  The tarps last about 5 years & cost around $120 each.  I use shock cords made from car inner tubes on the tie downs.

On average my van is used for about only 3 months of the year.

After 20 years of use there is absolutely no damage to the van from the coverings or hail damage either. 

I can leave several windows open to allow air flow and only close them if a severe storm is likely.  The air gap created by the use of the fruit boxes reduces the inside temperature as well.


Peter ...  Surely your comment was made 'tongue in cheek'. The house is clearly made of tougher stuff than a caravan so no need to cover it.


See Ya ... Cupie


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I buy three $15 blue cheapies a year, to cover my van. I know it is a waste, but even the cheapest from Aldi for 99 dollars, , which I have bought only last a year, so am saving money on the buying the blue, tarps to do the same job.


Ric - The Eccentric One

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