Almost a Limerick ... but a line short - you got the aa right but then ??? aaba?
A limerick (/lmrk/[1]) is a form of verse, usually humorous and frequently rude, in five-line, predominantly anapestic[2]meter with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme.[
Hang on .. my mistake .. try this ... (& predomininantly anapestic)
There once was a feller called Doug,
Who used to drink tea from a mug,
On the day the mug broke,
He said that'soke,
I will now drink my tea from a jug.
How's that .. 5 lines aabba
Well done .. love it
edit .. I just brought a book of limericks from bush poet Gregory North at Winton
Here's one that he says he uses in his evening bush poets sessions at Winton. This one is having a go at Victorians ...
Now it says on each number plate
"Education State"! Hang on, now, wait.
Are you saying you're smart
just 'cause every old fart
during winter's away interstate
-- Edited by Cupie on Sunday 4th of October 2020 03:39:11 PM