Hi Magnarc,
There was an interesting segment on the 7.30Report on ABC TV tonight about Nomads with "No fixed address" & their problems of escaping the cold & finding places to stay.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
You know it's setting in when your fuel consumption is measured in Needle Widths / Fortnight. I'm running at about one at the moment which indicates that PTCD must be running pretty high....
At least it's given us a chance to start planning our next adventure.
I miss the open road, and the chance to see new places, and meet new friends But I have been lucky enough, to firstly have a home base, and secondly have also adapted to not travelling
Re the post from Warren, (Warren-Pat 01), below is a link to the story he mentioned
The vid is 4 minutes 50 seconds long, if you do not wish to use your bandwidth, just click on the transcript for the written version of the story