In some defense of the driver the tyre wasnt smoking much 15 seconds before being pulled over and being a 4X4 his mirrors are a lot higher than the smoke initially. But the van was tilting and he should have notice that in his rear view mirror.
I have single axle van and I'm always looking out for that factor. Also I dont travel with the radio on as last time I was lucky to hear one van wheel come loose with wheel nuts which had I not heard the wobble it would have caused a lot of damage.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
I always had my vehicle mirrors adjusted so l could see the tyres,
Had the tow mirrors adjusted to see
past whatever l was towing,
I really think some folk just switch and don't want to know whats happening behind them,
Apparently, that was the case with this bloke as he didn't even know the copper was behind him for how ? long
Do TPMS give an audible or visual alarm when a tyre blows?
I wouldn't be too hard on him. He was pulled over only a few seconds after the blowout & the van didn't seem to sway too much, only a little puff of smoke as well. But the flashing lights & horn ... should have heard that ... radio/chattering wife?
I know that on occasions I haven't noticed trucks come up behind me until I feel that tug as they come out to pass me. Perhaps a rear view camera might be a good idea for me .. and a TPMS too.
Do TPMS give an audible or visual alarm when a tyre blows?
I wouldn't be too hard on him. He was pulled over only a few seconds after the blowout & the van didn't seem to sway too much, only a little puff of smoke as well. But the flashing lights & horn ... should have heard that ... radio/chattering wife?
I know that on occasions I haven't noticed trucks come up behind me until I feel that tug as they come out to pass me. Perhaps a rear view camera might be a good idea for me .. and a TPMS too.
TPMS will give an audible and visual signal at whatever pressure set point you set them for. If Set for 44 PSI and the tyre loses say 4 PSI slowly, and your set point is - 4 PSI an Audible signal is given. Same for over pressure and Temperature.
He didn't even see the smoke, Wonder how long he has been driving with that " ain't checking the mirrors " mentality
The Tyre starting smoking might occur in the minute you "don't" look at the mirror. I constantly check my mirrors and always have done. I have also had two instances where the tyre was totalled on the towed vehicle. The last instance was in 2012 I felt something was not feeling right. Just light vibration in the Gear Stick.
Checked mirrors, no clues.
Change gear and felt vibration again very slight.
Looked in side mirror again saw a piece of black debris fly out of the underside of the Avan.
Then Smoke. Immediately slowed, pulled over 400 metres later where I could get off the road.
I then decided to buy a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System.
Yes, it looks like he has Clearview mirrors but they don't look "extended" to me. I too have Clearview mirrors and a camera on the back of the van which is constantly on when I am driving. I am always looking down both sides of the van and through the camera when I am on the move. So I am always aware of what is around me.
I am amazed at the amount of vehicles I see who are towing a van with just normal side mirrors. No extensions .... nothing. How they can see down the side of the van is beyond me and also how difficult it would be backing the van.
(Picture of my beloved Molly (2003 - 2016) who loved the travels as much as I do. RIP old girl. Gone but never forgotten).
I had an old guy and his missus, towing a van with Clearviews, clean me up on the bike, with his mirrors, and didn't even notice. He did notice when the police caught up with him 150km later, it cost him over 1500 in fines, but he didn't visit me in the hospital or even apologise, or pay repairs thru his insurance, just doesn't want to know. No offence to you guys, But I regard Nomad c.vanners as intentional potential killers on the road when I am cycling with my dog in tow, on a camping tour, which is why, I now only do remote area touring, I would like to go to the coast, but by bike, I would be taking my life and my dog's into my hands, we wouldn't last long on busy roads, as most people are pretty ordinary around cyclists, just not aware of us.
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Wednesday 5th of February 2020 04:44:32 PM
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Wednesday 5th of February 2020 04:55:59 PM
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Wednesday 5th of February 2020 04:58:32 PM
To be fair, it is not always easy to tell on a dual axle van if you have blown a tyre. It's a very good argument for having a tyre pressure monitoring system and I might have to investigate one.
No offence to you guys, But I regard Nomad c.vanners as intentional potential killers on the road when I am cycling with my dog in tow, on a camping tour, which is why, I now only do remote area touring, I would like to go to the coast, but by bike, I would be taking my life and my dog's into my hands, we wouldn't last long on busy roads, as most people are pretty ordinary around cyclists, just not aware of us.
And to be fair there are also more than a few cyclists that are pretty ordinary around motorists as well.
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
Yes try Mundaring Weir Rd in the Perth hills on any Sunday morning for multiple examples of just plain stupid cycylists trying hard to get themselves killed. Scattered right across the road in groups on a road that has many hills and blind bends that cars come on cyclists very suddenly and are left with no where to go.
You do get a few who are smart and ride single file which makes them easy to dodge and give them some room. I have nearly turned a couple into an ugly mascot on a couple of occasions. Missed them only because I was looking for them and was ready to react.
To be fair to cyclists, the law states in every state, that 2 cyclists can ride side by side, it's just most drivers are not capable in these circumstances, every driver tries to squeeze past even with other vehicles coming in the other direction, instead of slowing down and waiting to pass when it is safe to do so.
To be fair to cyclists, the law states in every state, that 2 cyclists can ride side by side, it's just most drivers are not capable in these circumstances, every driver tries to squeeze past even with other vehicles coming in the other direction, instead of slowing down and waiting to pass when it is safe to do so.
And lets not forget the Sunday morning rabble were groups of cyclists scatter themselves all over the road compromising not only the traffic going in the same direction but also cars coming the opposite way. It always amazes me that ants are capable of travailing in an orderly line as are cows but it seems to be beyond the grasp of most cyclists. present company accepted of coarse. Landy
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
To be fair to cyclists, the law states in every state, that 2 cyclists can ride side by side, it's just most drivers are not capable in these circumstances, every driver tries to squeeze past even with other vehicles coming in the other direction, instead of slowing down and waiting to pass when it is safe to do so.
I've been around the law for a few decades. The law can be an ass remember. Driving along Whittlesea road in the 1990's- two lanes , one each direction and no room for anything much else than two cars and two puchbikes one each lane. 100 kph limit. Then suddenly in front of me were two cyclists cruising at the enormous speed of around 25kph having a chat. Brakes red hot on my car. Just because the law states this or that doesnt mean it is a wise decision to ride two abreast. Yes I'm responsible to stop in time- BUT IT IS JUST STUPID TO ALLOW VEHICLES 75KPH DIFFERENCE IN SPEED ON THE SAME LANE.
Same as children say 3-4 years old in the 1980's, all cyclists had to ride on the road, none allowed on the footpath, yet when I was once a council ranger I refused to issue fines to a parent that allowed it. Then in the 1990's they changed the law to allow children 12 and under to ride their bicycle on the footpath.
Maybe the law should be changed also regarding two abreast cyclists?
So, for arguement sake, if you and your cyclist mate rode along that same road and you came across a registered ride on lawn mower 800mm wide doing say 8kph tell me honestly, would you overtake him in the section of road left on his right hand side same lane (about 1800mm) or would you wait until no passing traffic coming the other way and overtake him on the other lane ? This is where again, the law is an ass. Of course it is common sense to pass him in his lane what is left over space, but he is entitled to a full lane just like you guys insist.
Th sooner the law forces you to ride single file the better, it is just common sense.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
agree Tony, single file. At the end of the day people break much easier than a mirror or a car door. Minimize the risk factor please. A lot of cyclists have no regard at all for pedestrians, but expect the world from a hugely taxed motorist.
What you are entitled to do and what is safe are often a great distance apart.
Yes the law allows cyclists to ride two abreast and when safe to do so that's fine, but on a narrow twisting hugely undulating road with higher speed limits and double white lines, then for you own safety you do not go and be a boofhead and enforce your entitlement.
It's a bit to late when they are carting you off to the mortuary to be insisting on your entitlement. I can tell you who is going to come out of a collision much worse and it ain't the car driver.
And on those same hills roads I am talking about, cyclists are not just in single or double file but can be up to a dozen or more spread right over the road in some sort of peleton. Just shear and utter stupidity.