The toilet cassette is coated inside with a white scaly residue.
Something would have to soak/dissolve it off as you cannot get in there to clean it out.
A good mix of sodium percarbonate left to soak doesn't touch it nor does a strong solution of bleach.
At the end of the day I guess having the cassette coated in the white scale doesn't matter, but still, interested in what may clean it from the cassette. Any suggestions?
I'd have a go with a water blaster or perhaps one of those karcha steam cleaners if I had access to one. Watch out for the seals & level measuring pendulum etc
The toilet cassette is coated inside with a white scaly residue.
Something would have to soak/dissolve it off as you cannot get in there to clean it out.
A good mix of sodium percarbonate left to soak doesn't touch it nor does a strong solution of bleach.
At the end of the day I guess having the cassette coated in the white scale doesn't matter, but still, interested in what may clean it from the cassette. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Joe.
Hi Tophat.
We had a failure with the Cassette when the slide got struck, after some effort we removed the top section exposing the inside which was coated in a white scale substance.
After lots of disinfecting, the caravan was second hand, I then got a old but sharp wood chisel and started to scape the inside clean. What really amazed me was how much lighter the clean cassette was in the end.
Getting the big lid off was the challenge, I did lay a lump of wood between the lugs and give it tap after I poured boiling water over the lid.
Just go to your local swimming pool shop, and buy a bottle (4ltrs) of Cell cleaner. Pour in a couple of litres and close up the tank, an swish it around for a while. Be like brand new when finished. All the scale will fizz up and completely dissolve.
Hi all; We have had our caravan now just on 7 years and the toilet is the one thing that gets the most use, I have always used a cheap nappy wash/soak powder ( 1 cap per cassette ) and a good old hose out after emptying the cassette. never had a problem with a build up of scale.
One thing i have to say is to give the rubber seal a good clean with a rag as the scale can build up there and is often missed. Also a little bit of olive oil around the seal makes a big difference to the integrity of the seal.
its a bit risky,so be careful,rubber gloves job, 50mm hydrochloric acid in 1ltr warm water, shut cassette and flush around...takes about a minute..
shifts calcium build up quick time. flush out and lube seals as required. needs this action periodically to eliminate urine scale,,treat with sodium percarbonate as most users do.
Just a suggestion, try FINISH or something similar, the stuff you put in your dishwasher so glasses are crystal clean without spots and streaks. I use a cheaper product from Coles with great success to clean shower glass. Also thinking a descaler product, also available from supermarkets. Designed to descale washing machines, kettles, coffee machines etc. Your scale sounds like bore water use to me, but just guessing.
Approx 18 mths ago when we bought our van, the toilet cassette had plenty of scale. I used a toilet treatment that broke the scale up. However I cannot recall the treatment I used. I have googled the subject and all seem to use something and let it lie overnight, the only problem is that we need to use the toilet regularly. Any ideas please?