Another newbie question, so all you experts go easy on me please, this is not Twitter. Just back from a trip staying four humid but dry days and nights in one caravan park where we used the caravans air conditioner a lot. When pulling away from the site to come home I noticed an enormous amount of water, which I presume was A/C condensation, came off the roof. I am thinking it is not good to have so much water siting on the roof and maybe I am being too pedantic about levelling my caravan and should allow some slope for condensation and rainwater. My questions are is it normal for the air conditioner to just drain onto the roof or should there be some plumbing/venting to some other poInt. What do others do about air conditioner condensation run off. Thanks all.
I agree with bgt A correctly installed a/c should have drainage. In humid weather it's not unusual for them to drip all day.
My motorhome body is a Jayco Conquest, my air-conditioner is (do not quote me as gospel on this, as I am not going to climb up and have a look), Coleman Mach 4
The roof of my motorhome is iggly piggly, certainly not flat, and has no (visible to me) support
During the few times I am in a caravan park, the air-conditioner leaks, either on the roof, or on the floor, of the motorhome
I have tried to remove the shroud over the air-conditioner, but have put it in the too hard basket
If I could have got to the drain line, I would have tried to fit something to allow the condensation to escape over the side of the motorhome
We live in Townsville & have a bucket placed under the water outlet of our house airconditioner. Just prior to leaving for our Christmas trip, I noticed one day that the water was "pouring" out of the pipe, the following day was drier & the pipe only fed a trickle.
Due to an airconditioner condenser corroding out on one of my earlier Patrols, I turn the airconditioner off about a block from home so there is nothing accumulated to add to the corrosion by letting the car stand overnight.
Hope this helps.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Check the thermostat isnt set way too cold ? So it not running 100 % flat out . It should be sealed, drainage should be higher than roof or at least have a hose to drain !! Pull panel off under AC and check for light shining through ? Check for leaks . Often a fitting issue ? In the first place ?