Hi all on this glorious, sunny, Sunday afternoon (well from where I sit anyway!)
Is there such a thing as CARAVAN CLUBS in Perth WA?
One gets a bit tired of all your old fart friends that you can rarely get off the couch and get moving.
If there are such things, like 4 wheel drive clubs but for caravanners, this would be great infcormation.
Regards and thanks.
'tollindave (also PradoKakadudave lol)
Nissan Patrol TIL and highly modified Retreat Fraser full offroad version
Yes there are, see link belowwww.caravanwa.com.au/travel-tips/caravan-clubs/
There are also many 4WD, search to find one near you
Cheers JeffRae
Jeff & Rae travelling in a motorhome
Another site is:www.caravanclubswa.asn.au/layout.php That lists all affiliated clubs with contact details and membership requirements (some don't allow pets for example). The site also has newsletters where clubs contribute. You can get a good idea of their activities from the newsletters.
(Although it has to be said that they have slipped a bit with 2019 - click on 2018 to get a better idea.)
Retired - A Long Weekend Lasts All Year
The National club for caravans, or any other bed on wheels is the Australian Caravan Club.
The membership fee automatically gives you entry to a local Branch, if you want.
There are Branches in most areas.
They have regular "Musters", both local and national, plus discount schemes, farmstays and tag-a-longs.
They are a convivial bunch and respect all. A relaxed atmosphere and welcoming.