I am not sure if this is in the right spot, but here goes. Part 1
The Omeo Hwy. the first Gazetted Hwy in Victoria. 157Km from Omeo to the Murray Valley Hwy.
Can you tow a van,what is there to see,where can I stay,is it hard to get in with a van,can I bring a pet what facilities are there at each spot.
Leaving Omeo the first stop for vans is at Anglers Rest,approx.29 km. this to us is the the skinniest part of the road,especially about 10 kms in the middle.
Once you are at Anglers Rest,you can setup at campground on the Conbungra River,two entrances but the best is just over the bridge.
This is a Nat.Park.drop toilets some tables and fireplaces and of course the Pub close by,easy access.
Looks nice pt
When l was young me and mates would go camp at Mitta Mitta camp grounds at the footy reserve, an old bloke used to be caretaker back then , he had an old fj that he left on a slope to roll start and a little foxy ? that was his mate ( he had to fix its broken leg once , still ran around like nothing had happened)
This was back in '79
Beautiful area