I guess when you are on the road for a living 24/7 you would find it a little "challenging" to listen to stuff that should be on ch18 hey?
You are dead-right there! From years driving interstate,I can assure you that that sort of rubbish gets a short,sharp response from truckies.We used ch40 for short greetings,but if we wanted to just have a chat,we would change to an agreed channel,leaving 40 for other truckies to tell of road conditions,police presence,and advise if weighbridges were operating.Of course,weighbridges were never of any concern to me because I was not overloaded......well,not very often anyway,and never by more than 10 ton.Obviously we do not drive 24 hours per day,not often anyway,but for years I had no fixed abode,sleeping in the truck.Cheers
I was a steering wheel attendant company driver for around 35 yrs ( same one for 30 ) in regional vic,
Rotating shifts, w/ ends etc
As above re the UHF usage
I thought it was funny a truckie having a bit of a laugh good on him.
I agree .. While this might be having a bit of a go at GNs, in my experience a lot of the stuff that Truckies broadcast on Ch40 is equally rubbish & immature trash talk.
I usually have one of my handhelds on Ch40 & when I hear chatter I might turn it up or change the main set to 40 for a bit just to seeif it is relevant.
Every town we travel through there was always Atleast one sounding drunk person dropping the F bomb and bad language I had to change the channel . Grand kids with us . Trust me we are not too good at language ourselves but this was way over the top !! Yes change to another channel for conversation
Had truckies gabbling on for over half an hour on ch 40 with absolute garbage.
No one is immune from it. It can affect us all if the situation arises. We just need to be conscious of our time on it and be people of few words.
You're right there Greg1. They cram in the convo when they recognise each other passing but boy, some can drag it out when travelling the same direction.
In all honesty I find the cb a very handy item. Hear over width loads coming towards me before I even see them, warning of road works ahead not to mention helping get the roadtrains around me. In my opinion a road safety piece of equipment.
In all honesty I find the cb a very handy item. Hear over width loads coming towards me before I even see them, warning of road works ahead not to mention helping get the roadtrains around me. In my opinion a road safety piece of equipment.
Fully agree Greg. I find our UHF invaluable, particularly with as you say, wide loads, road works and just generally traveling the roads with trucks and road trains.
In all honesty I find the cb a very handy item. Hear over width loads coming towards me before I even see them, warning of road works ahead not to mention helping get the roadtrains around me. In my opinion a road safety piece of equipment.
Right again,Greg,but when I drove interstate it was not uncommon to encounter caravanners toodling along in a world of their own,oblivious to the world around them.Roadworks?What roadworks? And these clowns had absolutely no interest in helping us get around them,often because they did not even know we were there until a friendly blast on the airhorn woke them.Cheers
Also the humorous conversations you are party to can keep you entertained. Had one very memorable one at Gympie with tbe local village idiot and the truckies stirring him up. Whilst the language was very colourful to say the least it had my wife and I in stitches for about half an hour until we ran out of range.
In all honesty I find the cb a very handy item. Hear over width loads coming towards me before I even see them, warning of road works ahead not to mention helping get the roadtrains around me. In my opinion a road safety piece of equipment.
Right again,Greg,but when I drove interstate it was not uncommon to encounter caravanners toodling along in a world of their own,oblivious to the world around them.Roadworks?What roadworks? And these clowns had absolutely no interest in helping us get around them,often because they did not even know we were there until a friendly blast on the airhorn woke them.Cheers
Yobarr- Having a CB is not a replacement for alertness of faster vehicles behind you. Firstly you'd be a poor driver if you don't see a vehicle behind you and you were in a "world of your own" as you say. Same with Roadworks, if they need a CB to alert them there is roadworks ahead - gee what pathetic drivers. Nowadays you get the 80kph sign with roadworks ahead then 60 then "40 kph ahead" then 40kph sign then the roadworks. I think you pull a tall story on occasions mate.
Over width vehicles. From what I encountered up north in 2016 on our "lap" they all had escort vehicles which had headlights on, amber roof lights and a driver with a waving arm. Heaps enough time to slow and pull over. Do you need a CB for that? struth!
Let's tackle this overtaking business that you quote so often. If you need assistance by someone to overtake a caravan rig then it isn't the right time to pass. Granted it would be nice to be a truckie (or anyone else really) and get the message "as soon as I can I'll let you pass big boy" etc. But in my experience the truckie just stays put until I give my indicator a flick. That to him is a confirmation with his own judgement that it is ok to overtake and he does. A flash of my headlights and he is back in the left lane. Multiple indicator flashes and his gratitude is returned. Easy, not complicated and no CB needed. If anything, a sign on the rear of my caravan "I am aware of you behind me, I will let you pass when I can" would suffice.
What that clown does in that video is a prime example why I don't have one. Fools, naïve microphone junkies are not easy to tolerate. Plus adding another item to the cabin.
For those that want a CB and use them I'm happy for you. For those of you that think it is a safety device then write into your state police to get them fitted to every vehicle, yes not only caravanners but all vehicles because the examples given of their justification (unaware of vehicles behind them wanting to pass, wide loads ahead, roadworks) are instances whereby all drivers can be responsible for. A station wagon not towing but with cartons stacked in the back likely has less vision in his door mirrors than I do in my towing mirrors.
And such a request of mandatory CB radios wont get to first base. They aren't needed but liked by those that think they are an asset. I don't need one and I glance into my mirrors every 20-30 seconds at 90kph so if you suddenly appear then you were likely speeding and that is the "elephant in the room" impatience....get out of my way mentality.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
For many years I didn't have a cb and thought along the same lines as you Tony.
We then did a lap with some friends and I fitted one purely to stay in contact with them as we travel a reasonable distance apart so other traffic can pass more easily.
Now that I have experienced one, quite frankly I wish that I had fitted one earlier.
Your assumptions that we don't see road works, over width vehicles or look in the mirrors are, quite frankly, offensive.
The cb just simply gives you more warning of these things in front and just makes life a little easier with road trains. The pilots of the over width vehicles often call out the width of the load so that you can ascertain ahead of time whether you are going to need to get right off the road so you can look for a spot or just give him a bit more room. Thats long before you even see the pilot vehicle. Road works just give you extra time to be prepared to stop.
Can you do without one? Yes of course you can, but don't knock it unless you have tried one. You may be pleasantly surprised like I was.
A few days a go a pop-top with it's pop flapping in the breeze went past where we were parked. Tried to call on cb, no response.
A car coming toward him heard my call, saw him and tried to wave him down, as well as call him, again no response.
Don't know it it ended, but cb could have helped.
Another case reported some time ago, smoke seen coming from caravan wheels, tried to call, no response, apparently van destroyed by fire soon after.
Now say you don't need a cb radio.
A bit like these turkeys that don't use towing mirrors, "Ignorance is bliss?" Defineatley NOT
So Snippy, two cases of where you'd think a CB would assist and neither case it assisted. And you use those cases to prove a CB is a safety device?
Tony ,if you drive over the Omeo Hwy. and they have logging trucks coming at you,believe me you need a radio.
The truck drivers tell you every Km sign post where they are at, and which direction their heading.So you are well aware not to meet them on a narrow bend.
A few days a go a pop-top with it's pop flapping in the breeze went past where we were parked. Tried to call on cb, no response.
A car coming toward him heard my call, saw him and tried to wave him down, as well as call him, again no response.
Don't know it it ended, but cb could have helped.
Another case reported some time ago, smoke seen coming from caravan wheels, tried to call, no response, apparently van destroyed by fire soon after.
Now say you don't need a cb radio.
A bit like these turkeys that don't use towing mirrors, "Ignorance is bliss?" Defineatley NOT
So Snippy, two cases of where you'd think a CB would assist and neither case it assisted. And you use those cases to prove a CB is a safety device?
Tony ,if you drive over the Omeo Hwy. and they have logging trucks coming at you,believe me you need a radio. The truck drivers tell you every Km sign post where they are at, and which direction their heading.So you are well aware not to meet them on a narrow bend.
A few days a go a pop-top with it's pop flapping in the breeze went past where we were parked. Tried to call on cb, no response.A car coming toward him heard my call, saw him and tried to wave him down, as well as call him, again no response.Don't know it it ended, but cb could have helped.Another case reported some time ago, smoke seen coming from caravan wheels, tried to call, no response, apparently van destroyed by fire soon after. Now say you don't need a cb radio.A bit like these turkeys that don't use towing mirrors, "Ignorance is bliss?" Defineatley NOT
So Snippy, two cases of where you'd think a CB would assist and neither case it assisted. And you use those cases to prove a CB is a safety device?
I am unsure whether you are entirely missing the point,or you are just being difficult? I am sure that Kevin was simply pointing out that if these other drivers,who evidently do not know how to use mirrors to keep an eye on their trailer,had had a CB,they likely would have heard his warnings? But perhaps they were unaware what the pretty appendages on their front doors were to be used for? Cheers.