One of my many gripes is those people who ask for technical help with a particular product and provide no links. Everyone who reads the post then has to do their own searches.
BTW, a link to the product manufacturer's web site is preferable to a link to Amazon or eBay. We want to know how it works, not how much it costs.
"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."
One problem imo is with so many members but so few posting. If we are to encourage more members input here we need to be tolerant of human nature of imperfection.
The point made about Greens Lake being correctly named confirms my point. If we are perceived as Grumpy Grey Nomads it isnt so good.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
One problem imo is with so many members but so few posting. If we are to encourage more members input here we need to be tolerant of human nature of imperfection. The point made about Greens Lake being correctly named confirms my point. If we are perceived as Grumpy Grey Nomads it isnt so good. Tony
Maybe some of that could be solved by limiting replies to the OP to one reply (except for the OP), then people might think about what they are posting, not go off topic so much, better information and less bull****
One problem imo is with so many members but so few posting. If we are to encourage more members input here we need to be tolerant of human nature of imperfection. The point made about Greens Lake being correctly named confirms my point. If we are perceived as Grumpy Grey Nomads it isnt so good. Tony
I agree Tony. It's pretty obvious many folks don't feel comfortable 'risking' a post and therefore won't run the gauntlet. How many threads in here actually conclude without someone having been shouted down? e.g. This thread has had 255 views and 9 contributions so far. The quiet majority will surely remain that way.
-- Edited by SouthernComfort on Tuesday 27th of August 2019 08:11:11 AM
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
Everyone is different. I don't have a problem looking up a place or simply asking the question.
Absolutely true Stretch.A bigger problem for me is trying to decipher convoluted sentences containing no grammar.Yesterday it took me a some time to determine the intended meaning of a 49 word post that had no grammar at all,and should have been posted as 7 separate sentences. Cheers
One problem imo is with so many members but so few posting. If we are to encourage more members input here we need to be tolerant of human nature of imperfection. The point made about Greens Lake being correctly named confirms my point. If we are perceived as Grumpy Grey Nomads it isnt so good. Tony
Maybe some of that could be solved by limiting replies to the OP to one reply (except for the OP), then people might think about what they are posting, not go off topic so much, better information and less bull****
Surely you jest? Limiting replies would deny those who know what they are talking about the opportunity to correct the incorrect advice given to an OP by others who are likely to have good intentions,but are absolutely ignorant of the actual facts.Cheers.
One of my Pet Hates is the Acronyms or abbreviations that have become an epidemic today, even on TV or Radio the frequent users are asked to clarify their quote by then giving the proper words.
I also do not subscribe to this 'TIME POOR' statement.
My Father instilled in me that there is no such true truth in the statement, (that you did not have time), his answer was, that we all have 24 hours in a day and it is matter of what we do with it, therefore the answer is-: "I Did Not Make Time".
I vote for spoons of cement for everyone to harden up.
I get where you're coming from on most of it though.
I thought it was the younger generation that was intolerant of opposing views.
For me, I can't be offended by anything someone says online. It's words on a screen. around 30 seconds after I've replied or turned my screen off, I've forgotten all about it.
So for those who wish to debate a topic with me or have a differing opinion. have at it. I'd prefer scathing honesty vs padding my emotions with false agreement , I won't get upset and maybe we both learn something.
My interpretation, before I joined the forum, was, and still is
Until we actually know everything, there are things that we do not know, we do not know
I therefore fully expect to read a question along the lines of
"What is wrong with my fridge"
From a first timer, who probably does not know, that there are more than one type of caravan fridge
This is about the best travelling forum, I have come across, for newbie's to obtain information
I have certainly learned a lot about travelling in Australia, from the more learned members
I hope that the more learned people would excuse grammar mistakes, and just be a bit more tolerant
Hi you,I try to ignore grammar mistakes,but the post I referred to was actually made today,and contains absolutely NO,zilch,nil,nada. This makes it exceedingly difficult to determine the authors intended meaning. Cheers
"It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
"It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
Hi Kevin...I am well aware of this,but the post I refer to had no capitals,no commas,and no full stops. Cheers
Sorry, it was not meant to offend, it was just tongue in cheek. I actually posted it to the Jokes page yesterday.
Hi Kevin....I certainly was not offended! I believe that I have seen elsewhere what you have posted,and it is very true.If it is indeed your own work,well done! Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Tuesday 27th of August 2019 06:23:13 PM
One problem imo is with so many members but so few posting. If we are to encourage more members input here we need to be tolerant of human nature of imperfection. The point made about Greens Lake being correctly named confirms my point. If we are perceived as Grumpy Grey Nomads it isnt so good. Tony
Maybe some of that could be solved by limiting replies to the OP to one reply (except for the OP), then people might think about what they are posting, not go off topic so much, better information and less bull****
Oh. That would make reading our site boring. I rather like the bulL++++. sorry cannot find those stars on my keyboard. I love popcorn n people going off topic is just like meeting at happy hour. Bring on the fun.