Being a Queenslander, ....I have just checked the B.O.M. and it appears that there is not a bit of rain anywhere to be seen in Queensland and Northern New South Wales. ( That is the only areas I checked)
In Brisbane, in the month of August we held our Annual Agriculture Show (EKKA) and we never got a drop of rain for the 10 days of the Ekka.
Plenty of those annual Westerly winds.
I hope that all the other States & Territories received some good falls.
But the word on the street is... we are certainly going through one of the worst droughts especially west of the Great Dividing Range or the Outback as we call it.
Some towns will be in trouble with their water supplies at years end.
Would be great to see rain in the needed areas, BUT NOT FLOODS.
I being born in an out back town, I have always had a warm spot in my heart for those communities and their people.
And yet on the other side of Tassie ( the east coast) the opposite is happening...
Less than half of the average rainfall,
Paddocks are yellow and bare,
Farmers are running out of feed, farm dams are drying up and there is starting to be quite a lot of community concern about the situation,
Hi, Have recently been through mid Qld and it is very dry. SE Qld where my Dad and brother lives is also very dry. Stanthorpe will run out of water by Christmas if nothing much falls from the sky before then. It is very tough on all these communities. EKKA time was always windy and/or rain or both. Definitely need rain in a lot of places.
they are sick of the rain on the west coast of tassie, the east coast of tassie is in drought. Farmers are never happy, to much or to little rain
Poor buggers