Decided to winter in Darwin this year, last year the Cape, and thought some might be interested in the associated costs.
Distance travelled: 11,359 K's
Diesel: 1,505 Ltrs
Highest: $2.076 Barkley Roadhouse NT
Lowest: $1.310 St George Qld
Average: $1.563
Caravan Parks
Most Expensive $44.00 Sunset Top Tourist (Min 2 nights) Mount Isa Qld
Cheapest $10.00 Beach Front Beauty, Wagait Beach NT
Average Cost $30.00
Best Beach Front Beauty - Private home right on the beach. Only takes 8 vans in front yard, powered but no water. $10 per person. Check it out on WikiCamps
Best Chicken Schnitzel Tattersalls Hotel Winton Qld
Should still be in Darwin but had to come home early due to circumstances beyond my control and it's bloody cold.
Great info and many thanks for taking the time to post it. That's our plan for next year - Winter in Darwin and surrounds. Especially after this winter in Canberra!!!!
Thanks good info . Plenty places to free camp
For a few days too . Just came back from Alaska/ Caribbean. Nearly killing me in
NSW, old bones . . Last year we where staying in Mataranka . Hell yes . No such
Saying as winter, dry season . Lol
Tow vehicle is a 2012 D-Max remapped. Van is a 2010 18' Fusion Predator Off Road manufactured by Paradise Caravans in Melbourne ( since gone bust) weighing in at around 2.2 ton fully loaded.
Average tow speed would be around 95 / 98 subject to road conditions.
Talking road conditions, by far the worst road travelled was the first 75ks from home to the Pacific Highway, the bloody Buckets Way, it is a disgrace!
PS. Dougwe, all good at base camp, false alarm! Bugger, could still be in Darwin
The weather is very nice here also in Port Douglas, it is a bit cooler than it has been for the past 5 years though only averaging about 26 degrees in August but feels about 23 with the strong SE tradewind blowing most days, not today though, no wind overcast and 25.