Yes Sir, traveling down our highways, and having a drive break is certainly an eye-opener, and of course there are already many posts by persons voicing their disgust about the rubbish. But coming across this mess, what can one do about it. You could pick some of it up, but the bins at the stops are both full and poorly designed.
I Think the problem needs to be addressed, but it is more than just picking up a few bits of rubbish.
1/ A national education program, children at schools, adults due to travel like bill board advertising, booklets, etc.
2/ Suitable bins that do not allow the rubbish to be pulled out by vermin, and are large enough to take double of what they hold now, plus the facility for those who may collect bags of rubbish to dispose of. So a design of bins, including the ease of emptying is required.
But lastly, who is the culprit. Around the Pee trees are hundreds of tissues, now I have never seen a fellow use a tissue after a pee, a good shake yes, almost to the degree of strangling the poor thing, but no tissues. Seems to be ladies you need to lift your game.
Every car driver should be encouraged to take a shovel and rubbish kit with them. But one thing is for sure, its not a nice sight, a bad image for Australia, and something needs to be done.
And please truckies, stop dumping your worn tires over the fences at these spots.
Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it, Ian
I believe you may have hit the nail on the head, when you mentioned education
I also believe that we are perhaps preaching to the choir, as the members I have met from this forum, seem to be in the main, responsible people
I also notice that when all the bins are full, people still put their rubbish in, (instead of taking their own rubbish away with them
When the lid on the bins no longer close, this allows the birds to easily pull the rubbish out, and scatter it around
I carry a few sacks, about 30 litre capacity, and will fill them, and leave them near the bin/s, if I am actually staying overnight at that camp
I do not know the answer, but I think that a lot of us, acknowlege that there is a problem
Whenarewethere, Rangers would like the time to clean up NP but the reality has long been they just don't have time. Good work on the cleanup though. We try to walk a section of the Broadwater most nights when home at the Gold Coast and carry a hessian bag or two and extending picker-uppers. Careless boaties are as bad as careless travellers and campers. Hopefully they see us and learn something.