Just took out our old 2way fridge and purchased a 3year old dometic 180 ltr 3way. All good but 10 mm wider than door width. Removing door frame wont work. (stilll too narrow). Looking at new fridge it appears that I may be able to remove the doors and the MAIN FRAME (attached) which is screwed to the fridge body all around. That will give me about 30 mm allowing sufficient room. Why dont manufactuers of vans and fridges work together to make our life a bit easier. Cheers to all. PS. We were hoping to do a small lap of victoria and NSW in june (being our first 3month trip away ever ). May do the big lap if finances allow.
Most caravan owners from what. I have read on the subject would face the problem of not being able to fit the new fridge through the door its been a big problem for many years,reguardless of whether you have a tape or not.
I was having some fridge repairs done in Kununurra. The fridge people were also replacing a fridge in another caravan next to my camper. I noticed they removed the caravan door and its Aluminium Frame completely from the wall. The Fridge only just cleared the opening getting it out, and the new one going in.
One extra query John, even if you get it in through the door, will the replacement fit in the spot left by your old one?
From (bad) memories of removing the 3way from our Eagle, there was no extra room (just enough) to slide it back in.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Sh sh I have been just as guilty ! Lol Freezing it wont shrink either !
don't feel bad you could be in good company. I bought a fridge to fit in a camper when I ordered the camper I asked what size fridge fits in the fridge hole they said a 95 liter fridge freeze will fit I bought a 65 liter fridge thinking plenty of room guess what to tall. the 95 l is lower the old saying measure twice cut once the 65 liter one now lives in the back of the ute so not a total loss
Certainly did measure prior but old fridge even wider and simply removed doors which solved the problem. Think I will take door and frame assy off fridge when confident how to do.
Thanks, thats my next move. Not worried as I will definately get fridge in place. Did measure first and hoped removind doors would do. Think door and door frame maqy do the job.
Thanks Warren, the Dometic is about 50mm smaller in width than old one. Re modelled by bringing in one side to suit allowing for insulation etc. thanks again.
funny you should run into this.
I've just finished swapping my 3 way for a 12v and had similar issues. I was sure it wasn't going to fit.
When I committed to it though, it ended up working but not without a fair amount of effort. (I did a video up and will post it up once I'm home this evening.)
If I just squared it up to the door it wouldn't go out or the new one come in.
I did remove the door lock and the 3way door also to make a bit more space.
In the end it came down to a bit of brute force, but they went through.
I did also consider removing the door frame. Looked like 8 or so screws and it just pulls out. Don't quote me though.
I've heard as per above (because I asked before) about ones that need to remove a window and I was set down that road but trust me, its well worth giving it a red hot shot to get it out the door first. you might be pleasantly surprised ....at least I hope so.