Hi, just food for thought with the upcoming federal election
on todays News feeds the six retiring federal MP's due to a loophole
are going to receive $220,000 a year pension plus all there other entitlements
Bill Shorten if elected is going to change the minimum wage to a "Living Wage"
as he said the minimum wage is to low to live on
I rang my local MP and asked what the government is going to do for pensioners and if we are going to get a raise
and he couldn't answer the question, in the end he said there is nothing for pensioners as pensioners get enough
I would like grey nomads to start a conversation with there local MP ask why there is nothing for us ???
with the ever raising costs off utility's i.e. power, water, shire rates, pharmaceuticals ect
I think we need increase in the pension
MP think we have served our purpose [ working life and payed TAX ] and are no further use to society
But unless we speak up we will get left behind
anyway enough off my whinging
Cheers Ken
Regards Ken
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