Has anyone else been unable to view photos in "pick this place" and 'sharing photos" since microsoft updated win 10 today. Even older computers running win 7 which have not been affected won't open them. Maybe their update has affected the server of this website.
Mmmm, I thought I would check the full forum on my Samsung Galaxy 6s phone as that is not windows and same problem so maybe it might be a forum problem
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I don't think that it has anything to do with Windows as neither my Mac or Ipad will open thumbnails either they just come up as a blank screen. Some photos that I know that I have previously looked at are now just showing as a box with a ? in it not even the thumbnail.
We had a few hiccups when we were posting our five part trip report in the blogs section.
We had all our photos correctly sized & ready to go for each part but sometimes one or two of them wouldn't attach. It would just keep loading, going round & round.
We'd then attempt to load the exact same image & it would load straight away.
Sometimes we posted our report with up to three photos still loading.
The other problem we had was with the text transferred from Microsoft Word.
If you look sometimes it loaded on OK & sometimes the writing is tiny? In our first part the writing starts halfway down the page?
When we loaded it on it deleted all the punctuation marks like coma's & full stops. It inserted rows of up to six question marks in a row for no apparent reason.
With a bit of fiddling & revising we managed to not embarrass ourselves. It took a bit of work though!!!!
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
I also do my update each month in Word then cut and paste onto the forum. When I look at it, all the punctuation marks have gone to God for some reason, always has done that though and I have to go back and edit it and hopefully get them all but always miss one or two.
I always reduce the file size of the photos before posting as well. I have never had a problem with them until today.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I also do my update each month in Word then cut and paste onto the forum. When I look at it, all the punctuation marks have gone to God for some reason, always has done that though and I have to go back and edit it and hopefully get them all but always miss one or two.
I always reduce the file size of the photos before posting as well. I have never had a problem with them until today.
A very similar experience to ours Dougwe.
It was a nightmare replacing all the punctuation marks, but getting rid of all the rows of random question marks wasn't much fun either. They were everywhere. ???????????????????????????
Goodness knows why the text on our first efforts ended up so small.
We were thinking sometimes, ''is it really worth the effort''!
We decided to stay calm & tell ourselves it was.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Thursday 11th of October 2018 06:35:10 PM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Hi all, It does seem like there is a problem. I will get onto our forum hosts to see if they can identify the problem and hopefully fix it. Thanks for your patience.
A dam site too late to withdraw their update after it has already deleted your personal files from your own hard drive. I wonder when the class actions will start and whether they will cost microsoft enough to finally shut them down.
ps When ever I type microsoft their spell check demands a capital m, but i don't think a company name warrants this and certaintly not theirs.
Within the Windows environment there are a few 'third-party programming languages', one of which is JavaScript, which is a core part of the internet. When I pause the cursor over the 'broken' picture, I get a 'JavaScript Void error' (a different error code for each broken picture). I think that the new Win 10 update has broken the JavaScript code in various software, I especially get this in FireFox.
I think it is case of MS getting together with the JavaScript people and sorting out the conflicts.
Until they come up with a solution, I'll just have to put up with the minor inconvenience of not having click-on full size pictures on the pages.
Before I retired, I was a computer consultant, one of my frequent jobs was to build Databases for a whole range of commercial clients using MS Access. Access had a built-in programming language called VisualBasic. In a number of cases I had clients call me saying their databases suddenly stopped working - in each case I found that after MS had issued software updates, it had changed a number of the VisualBasic commands, which broke the underlying code that I wrote into the database. It was often difficult to get clients to understand it was not a problem caused by me, but a problem caused by MS changing the underlying base programming software.
That's the problem with computers, as the 'relentless march to improved? software' forges ahead, at some point some existing software that you have installed will simply stop working - I have a whole cupboard of obsolete software that used to work fine, but is now incompatible with Windows 10.
Wondering about ShortNorth ? - Short North is the railwayman's nickname for the NSWGR main line between Sydney and Newcastle
Hi All, I have heard back from our forum hosts this morning. Apparently the issue was caused by them doing some software maintenance work. They said they have fixed it now so hopefully all is back to normal. Please let me know if anyone has any issues with this or anything else.
A dam site too late to withdraw their update after it has already deleted your personal files from your own hard drive. I wonder when the class actions will start and whether they will cost microsoft enough to finally shut them down.
ps When ever I type microsoft their spell check demands a capital m, but i don't think a company name warrants this and certaintly not theirs.
Seems to be a lot of foot in mouth disease going around on this thread.
Hi All, I have heard back from our forum hosts this morning. Apparently the issue was caused by them doing some software maintenance work. They said they have fixed it now so hopefully all is back to normal. Please let me know if anyone has any issues with this or anything else.
Hi Cindy
7.30 am WA time
Widows 10 using Firefox, only lets me see the small images
Ubuntu (Linux) also using Firefox, has no issues and I can see the pictures
Hope this is helpful information
Edit to say Opps, egg on my face again, everything is now normal It is a good thing that I am still young enough to laugh at myself
-- Edited by Tony Bev on Friday 12th of October 2018 10:55:01 AM
Many people have reported the problem and the update has been withdrawn, see the below text from ZNET:
Heads up to anyone updating windows. Apparently, if you have documents saved in your user directory, i.e. users/JohnDoe, and not one drive, the update will delete EVERYTHING in that location. So if your Documents or Pictures dont have a one drive symbol, MIGRATE IMMEDIATELY.
Then this report in the news today:
Microsofts recent Windows 10 October update (version 1809) had a wealth of new features, but those were quickly overshadowed by a severe bug that deleted the contents of primary user account folders such as music, documents and photos. You can read those details here. Microsoft has since pulled the update (which it rarely does) and tracked down the source of the problem.
I believe Microsoft has withdrawn the update as there were many reports of the update deleting files.
Not "many reports of the update deleting files" there were "isolated reports of users missing files after updating" regardless, not good.
I've never experienced a problem with Windows 10, have been using it since first released.
My recent experience was that I had no internet access after the update. Luckily I had restored my "Windows system restore" function. I was able to restore my Windows to the restore point immediately before the update. Access to the internet returned after doing that.
When M$ applies the half-yearly large update to your system they seem to switch off the "Windows system restore" function. Luckily I had noticed on the 8th of this month that it had been switched off. I switched it back on and inserted a restore point. There was a couple of subsequent restore points and the most recent of these was used to get the system working again. I suggest you all switch your system restore back on. If it is there you can use it to go back to a version of your Windose that will work properly if anything happens to your system. If you lose access to files and pictures as some did after that recent update then I suspect you may restore access to them by doing a Win restore, (someone may care to confirm whether I am right or wrong here.)
Since M$ introduced the "settings" function they have been making the old "Control Panel" harder to find. To find the control panel right click on the Win icon on the LH end of the taskbar. Then click on "Run." You then should get a dialog box where you can type "control panel" into it and then press "OK." That should bring up the Control Panel. (If you wish to have easy access to it then right-click on its icon and select "Pin to taskbar.") Then look for "Recovery" on the home page of the Control Panel, click on it and then on "Open System Restore."
Further reading on restoring your computer:
Recovery options in Windows 10 This is an M$ page covering all options to get your system going Last Updated: Jul 25, 2018.