Just wondered if people are considering changing over to projectors for watching tv rather than having a fixed unit inside their vans. There are some great pico projectors out there now, very small, take up little room, work in daylight hours because of hi lumens and as far as I'm concerned far more versatile in placement, outside and inside than a fixed tv in a van. Just need a net connection and away you go....
I'd love some feedback on this. Right in my field, so any queries will be interesting.
I know nothing about projector tvs but about a year ago I did see a caravanner with one working outside.
It was night time when I saw it so I can not comment on the quality of picture during sunlight hours.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
I'd say that the Lumens aren't high enough for exterior daytime use. Even high contrast devices suffer in direct daylight.
If you were to look at going down this route, I'd be tempted to homebrew a version of the SPUD - www.arovia.com/
Make the Pico Projector easily removable (for nighttime big display use) and use painted coreflute for the sides with a bit of rear-projector film for the front.
Hi palaceboy,
Not sure why some members feel the need to be so judgmental over a persons simple question. Particularly to a casual posting member with 16 posts.
Anyway, my view is to stay away from a projector system. A relative had one in his lounge room ant it was not as bright as stated in the blurb, the globe didnt' last 25% of its stated life. He is no in the led section of viewers.
This is probably not much help to you as this was a year ago and your thingo might well be ok. All the best with your choice though.
I know nothing about projector tvs but about a year ago I did see a caravanner with one working outside. It was night time when I saw it so I can not comment on the quality of picture during sunlight hours.
They are getting cheaper and better all the time, there are some models out there now for less than 500 dollars that are definitely better than passable for daytime viewing outside. They also come with the ability to throw image sizes from 22 inches or less right up to 200 inches. Not that you would want anything that big when camping. The smaller image size interests me at this stage. I think their portability and ease of setup from inside to outside plus the many peripherals you can link them up to whilst on the road, makes them something that people are bound to consider as an option more often.
There is a Xiaomi short throw (that means you can place it on a sideboard 10 inches or less from a wall/screen/whatever) non camping model that basically revolutionises the way people will watch media at home. 7,000 Lumens. Thats watchable outside in bright sunshine. It's all happening with projection and this will flow on to camping.
One things for sure, Terristeral TV is now basically dead in the water.