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Road rage

It's 11.10am and I'm driving out of my local shopping centre in the
southern Melbourne suburbs on to the main road adjoining it, this is
an 80kph divided four lane road and as I'm turning left on it I have
a "Give-way" junction whilst the line of cars to my right who are
turning right have to wait for traffic lights.

I stop at the Give-way sign and wait for half a dozen cars to pass,
the road is now clear for 150m or more, I turn left and keep to the
inside lane, I check my rear view mirror, nothing in sight. I drive
for about five seconds then take my foot off the throttle as there is
a set of red traffic lights 100m distant.

Suddenly a brown Commodore appears to my left, he's come from behind
into a left turn slip lane. His driving, somehow, seems aggressive.
Oh well I guess he's turning on to the freeway which the slip lane
feeds. I've now stopped at the red lights about four cars from the

The Commodore rolls to a stop half on, half off the slip lane at the
freeway entrance he's about 20m from me. The drivers door opens and a
large, solid man aged between 30 and 40 gets out and begins screaming
abuse at me and then begins waving a hand axe at me. I hit the
central locking. I can't go forward but behind me is still clear I
could try a racing reverse turn and hope I don't roll the little Getz
I'm driving. He's still screaming and axe waving at me but I can't
hear his words as the windows are closed and the AC is on. I sit
looking at him rant and wondering how it must feel to carry so much
anger around with you.

The lights change to green and the cars in front of me, thankfully,
take off reasonable quickly - they would be able to see axe boy too
and can probably hear him. I follow them and, in my mirror, see him
get back into his car and continue on to the freeway.

I can only assume that when I pulled out of the shopping centre I
must have impeded his progress in some way but I had not seen him,
there was no sound of emergency braking and my mirror was clear.
Additionally the outside lane was clear and could have been easily
used to pass me also it was at least five seconds after I started
before he appeared on the slip lane to my left. I really have no idea
what happened to make him so angry.

It seems to me the level of aggression in society has increased
considerably over the past 30 years or so and I understand such
incidents are not all that uncommon. I'm glad that before too long I
shall be spending the vast majority of my time in the bush and away
from the tensions of suburbia.

If the police cannot protect us from such random aggression, and they
can't, then it really is time to consider how we may protect
ourselves and whether the laws regarding firearms for self-protection
need changing.



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland

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Only problem with allowing firearms for self protection! How do you stop him from acquiring a firearm as well? Yes I'm a owner of forearms but can see the other angle. 




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Lived n US . We dont need to go down their path !

Whats out there

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Get a dash cam.


Trevor & Pamela

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Yeah get a dash cam and shoot him with that , too late then Pam G he has already put the axe thru your door .


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Get a dash cam.


Trevor & Pamela


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I agree with Pamela G. A dash cam is at least one degree better than not having one! Get one! In fact, get two. I fitted two in my wife's car including one in the rear window. She is sick of being intimidated by hooligan tradies and knuckleheads in large vehicles sitting up the backside of her Mazda 2 while sticking to the speed limit. Might not stop you being attacked but it may get you justice if you survive long enough to get to court.




"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato  

 The moral: Focus on the Facts



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Sorry to hear about your experience Mike ,to me It loooks like you have come into contact with the ice man...



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Horrible experience, to be sure. However, the current gun laws probably stopped him shooting you long before you would have been able to get a gun out.




Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.


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Izabarack wrote:

Horrible experience, to be sure. However, the current gun laws probably stopped him shooting you long before you would have been able to get a gun out.





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Not a great experience Mike but I have lived in countries like South Africa & Mozambique where carring a gun for protection was pretty normal. What I learnt from those times was that if you carried one you 1) had better know how to use it and 2) be prepared to do so before they took it from you and shot you with it..The other thing that happens is that car jackers etc. start shooting people without warning just in case they are armed. As much as I don't like what is going on here with these ferals I would prefer to take the risk of relying on my dash cam and the police to sort it out rather than carry a gun.



-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Monday 17th of September 2018 11:04:58 AM



2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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Heard on VHF40 the other day as we were travelling along the Barrier Hwy: ''Road train to caravan, can you please back off & let me back in!''

It wasn't us, they must have been either behind us or in front of us. Food for thought?


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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Saturday I had tarot card reader rage. She's pestered me from afar, for ages. I'm not a doctor, but she sounds a bit mental. Anyhow she set up a stall, and i foolishly asked if she had a Council permit. She jumped off her chair and pushed me in the back. I guess she hasn't got one??? Lol.


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Ron-D: The drug ice; I suspect you may be correct.

Dash camera: I'm not sure what use to me people think this would have
been? Were I in hospital (or the mortuary) today with brain damage or
similar it would be of no help to me that there was video of part of
the assault. I don't want him prosecuted for causing me serious harm
or death... I simply don't want him to do those things to me at all.

Those of you against changes to the firearms laws: keep in mind this
man already had a deadly weapon and was clearly a hair's breadth from
using it. It would provide no comfort to me to be killed or injured
by an axe rather than a firearm.

I ask you: how *do* you suggest I protect myself in the situation I
described? The man was 10m from me (not 20m, I checked this morning)
and clearly on the verge of doing me serious harm. Had the lights
been 20 seconds longer changing to green he may well have attacked.
What would you have me do, you people who sit comfortably at home
behind your computers?

I'll guarantee you one thing; if you're ever in that situation you'll
not be sitting in your car watching a nutcase with an axe and
thinking "I'm so glad we're not allowed to have a firearm for self



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland

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I'm a firearm owner and I had to hand in all my semi-autos back in 96 , I would luv to be able to carry a firearm but let's get real , its never going to happen here in Oz , you can't even carry pepper spray or any sort of weapon for self defence.

A dash cam , I have 2 front and rear might at least get you or your family some justice and put a psycho away .



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JackoFJR wrote:

but let's get real , its never going to happen here in Oz

Ten years ago no one thought same sex marriage would ever happen.

Political lobbying can do a great deal and especially so when people are being killed and injured by thugs and are denied the means to defend themselves.



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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Mike just imagine if carrying guns happened to be legal and in this situation you were able to react quick enough to pull the weapon from wherever you intended on keeping it, aim and fire at the guy. Imagine a little further that in your hurry and under stress you happened to miss him and were unlucky enough to hit or even kill some poor pedestrian or a child who was a passenger in another car. You guys who push for relaxing the gun control laws should move to somewhere like South Africa where it's pretty easy to get a permit to carry a gun around with you just be careful though when you try and use it or you may find yourself being just another statistic. 

I remember just as we were leaving SA the local newspaper had a front page story about a young woman who had been sunbaking on a public beach not far from Richards Bay. She carried a handgun in her purse for protection as there had been a history of sexual assaults in that area. A couple of guys who came from a nearby township attacked her, took her gun, raped her and then shot and killed her with it. If she didn't have the gun would she have put herself in this situation, probably not but guns often lead to people having a false sense of security. I don't have the answer on what we can do about people who act aggresively whether under the influence of drugs or not but if you had a dash cam I'm sure that it would have helped the police to catch up with him. Although the stories I have heard coming out of Victoria lately about law enforcement may in itself be part of your problem.




2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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Sitting comfortably at home behind your computer is exactly where the rational thinking should take place!

In an attack 'event' the brain barely has time to think rationally, never mind gathering the composure to hold a gun steady and aim it accurately, even if you had one. At the crucial moment, your nerves are shot (pardon the pun) and you're frightened witless, there's no point pretending otherwise. Humans react in one of two ways to aggressive confrontation i.e. Fight or Flight. Few of us would be suitably equipped to Fight, so that leaves Flight. Personally, I'd have hand full on horn and get the hell out of there either forwards, in reverse or sideways - scraping another vehicle if necessary to do so would be of little concern to me if an axe was coming through the window. In the meantime my dash cams would have gathered a pretty good record of events, possibly including images of the thug and his rego and the rego's of potential witnesses.

BTW, in addition to my wife's 2 dash cams, she activates central locking before leaving the garage, we started that long ago with car jacking incidents on the rise. The second camera for my car (for rear window) is on my to-do list.




"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato  

 The moral: Focus on the Facts



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If. I was in mikes position I would not produce the dash cam information even if I had one ,just get the hell out of there and thank god I escaped, bring the camera and police into it would in theory be the right thing to do,but it may also lead this nutter into knowing who you are,or even finding out where you live....



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Ron-D wrote:

If. I was in mikes position I would not produce the dash cam information even if I had one ,just get the hell out of there and thank god I escaped, bring the camera and police into it would in theory be the right thing to do,but it may also lead this nutter into knowing who you are,or even finding out where you live....

 Fleeing the situation is primary. Whether or not you do anything with the cam data is a secondary decision and a personal choice. I like having the option. The more equipment, the more options.




"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato  

 The moral: Focus on the Facts



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3 years ago I had a high as a kite nutter single me out in sparse traffic to slam his brakes on in front of me trying to cause an accident or to cause me to stop. Slowed down as much as I could so that I had other motorists around me as often as possible. Eventually this idiot took off at a rate of knots & I thought that was it.

Little did I know he hid in a service station waiting for me. This service station is off a slip lane about 1km from my house. I never saw him until he raced up behind in a back street trying to force me off the road & blocking me from turning back towards the main road.

We came to a halt at a roundabout, where he got out of his car. At that point I flew in reverse, did an about face & took off heading for the nearest shopping centre. Got to the car park & the same dude flies into the car park on 2 wheels before stopping, then gets out of the car & punches my car multiple times. All of a sudden he stops & sees all the witnesses, gets back in his car & disappears.

A couple of witnesses went with me to the police station, along with what footage I had. Car was stolen, but about 7 months later they got him on a raft of other charges. I was paranoid for about 6 months on the road after that.


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These noisy bully grubs are always cowards, and try to horrify fellow road users. I have always carried a huge razor sharp Bowie knife in the door pocket of our tow tug. If I pulled it out and flashed it at the window, the bully grub would run like a Dingo. You have a God given right to protect yourself & your loved ones from harm.



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Pariss wrote:

These noisy bully grubs are always cowards, and try to horrify fellow road users. I have always carried a huge razor sharp Bowie knife in the door pocket of our tow tug. If I pulled it out and flashed it at the window, the bully grub would run like a Dingo. You have a God given right to protect yourself & your loved ones from harm.

Sorry Pariss but if you go around flashing weapons like knives, guns, baseball bats or whatever at other road users the chances are that you could find yourself spending some time in a big concrete motel. If people are too afraid to report these sort of road rage incidents no problem but dont complain later on that its happening and no one is doing anything about it.




2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000

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When a maniac is at your car window with an axe in his hand trying to kill you & your wife, I believe he has ceased to be a fellow road user. Hopefully I will never have to endure what the above members have posted. Drive safely & be courteous and respectful to all motorists is my motto. 


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Road rage happened to us on 24thApril coming into Ballina at the Roundabout near the Good Guys.
A young bloke in Lancer zoomed up inside lane and cut in front of us, we had to slam on brakes and then he came to complete stop.
He had white dotted joining lanes, also there was only a minimal distance between us and other vehicle in front.
We contacted him and left a large Nudge Bar print in the back of vehicle.
The other driver pulled over and we did to exchange details.
He then got out of his car and Verbally and Physically assaulted me.
The language and abuse about older drivers not knowing the road rules and that he had right of way.
The spit out of his mouth and tried to knee me in groin, ended up with bruise on inside of leg
We locked ourselves in our Vehicle and called 000.
Other vehicles drivers were yelling at him to leave us alone.
The scary part was he had young children in the back of his car.
Took quite awhile for two police cars to arrive.
However they were extremely polite and courteous.
We were very stressed.
Luckily we had a Dash Cam and offered the footage to Police.
They took the Sim Card away and dropped back to us.
Also signed statement as regard to assault and accident.
We had stopped for Coffee to distress at the Police Officers suggestion.
Police said there would be no need to attend court, as they had all the evidence and that other driver would please guilty once he realised the facts.
Police also had the OOO recording as well.
Police utilised footage to charge him.
Court Case 14Jun where he pleaded guilty to Menancing Driving and Assualt.
12Months loss of licence and $800 fine on each offence.
That was the first day of our holiday and we now believe that Dash Cams are worth every cent.
Also damage to our car was movement of nudge bar on one side by about a 1/2inch.
His car was a right off.
Ours was Ford Territory AWD towing Jayco Journey.

Fish for the next Generation. Catch what you can but leave some for your grandchildren

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Hey mike you could be the next Charles Bronson mate 



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The Belmont Bear wrote:
Pariss wrote:

These noisy bully grubs are always cowards, and try to horrify fellow road users. I have always carried a huge razor sharp Bowie knife in the door pocket of our tow tug. If I pulled it out and flashed it at the window, the bully grub would run like a Dingo. You have a God given right to protect yourself & your loved ones from harm.

Sorry Pariss but if you go around flashing weapons like knives, guns, baseball bats or whatever at other road users the chances are that you could find yourself spending some time in a big concrete motel. If people are too afraid to report these sort of road rage incidents no problem but dont complain later on that its happening and no one is doing anything about it.


 Spot on BB although I would have thought you must report these incidents otherwise you just encourage these cretins to continue doing the same and possibly killing someone, that wouldn't rest well with me but from what I'm reading it wouldn't bother some. The firearm laws are a good mix at the moment except for Police inspections are lacking, I know several licenced people who have not been checked in 5 years of having said licence, one is separated living in the same home and is verbally aggressive towards his still legal partner.




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For me, the road rules can be condensed into two:

1/ Go with the flow
2/ Don't impede anyone

If everyone drove like that, it would reduce our stress levels immensely.


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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dorian wrote:

For me, the road rules can be condensed into two:

1/ Go with the flow
2/ Don't impede anyone

If everyone drove like that, it would reduce our stress levels immensely.

 My sentiments exactly - don't insist on your right of way and just cruise along minding your own business.  Blend in with the mob so you are basically invisible and not on the radar of these dudes. 

Same with attracting the attention of police - out of the ordinary attitude and behaviour is what they look for and anything that causes a 2nd glance can trigger a response. 


Good Luck.



Ex balloon chaser and mercury measurer.



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More weapons never made anyone safer, at street level or at international level.


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