We use one strapped to the spare wheel. Had it a few years now got it from 4x4 action mag very similar to the Kings. Very useful for carrying out dry rubbish from camp site or to store wet gear. A lot of the time we store plastic and metal recyclable bottles and food containers in it untill we can dispose of them in a recycle bin as most country locations and towns dont have recycle facilities
Dabbler, where do you place your rubbish when travelling between rubbish bins.
Our is called a "Wheelie Bin" so called as it fit over our spare wheel. Very useful when free camping, so you don't have to store your scraps in the caravan, also when just driving, and calling in to lookouts, rest areas etc, AND WE PICK UP OTHER'S RUBBISH, it is somewhere to put this rubbish.....
If we want to keep our free camps "free" we need to take our rubbish with us, not rely on councils to collect our "stuff"
I'll get off my soap box now. Sorry team...
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!