We are having the discussion on whether the Dometic Skylight HEKI MIDI, 700mm x 500mm should have the blind stowed, or pulled across. The salesman said closed (pulled across to cover the skylight), I say it would be better stowed. The only reason I can see for the blind to be pulled across is, that in Europe these skylights are fitted with seals, in Australia they are not, so we may have a dust ingress problem. By closing the blind, it would act as a filter and stop the dust coming inside, although the dust would be sitting on top of the blind.
Now I have fitted a seal of sorts into the groove in both skylights, so dust may not be a problem, but with the blind pulled across, the blind has a lot of up and down movement, and could wear out along the edges. With the blind stowed, the blind is restricted in movement, and wear would be reduced. This is my augument to travel with the blind in the stowed position.
When we purchased our van we were told to always travel with ours stowed, as air movement can cause them to flap and stretch if left pulled across when travelling. Thats 8 years ago and have always done that and they are still in reasonable condition, no dust comes in there, but if it did I wouldn't really want it on the blind anyway as they are not easy to clean.
You know caravan salesmen often know nothing about caravans apart from what they learnt in a 2 hour runthrough. They might have been selling cars or furniture or shoes last week. Definitely store it stowed in, unless he can show some documentation stating otherwise (which he won't be able to do).