In John's post is a link to the RV Daily where there was a bit of a review done which is where I saw it a couple of weeks ago. I think anyone considering purchasing one can do their own due diligence in researching it.
Hey Rocky mate, is the person that told you about it the one that was told by his wifes bothers uncles sisters cousins second cousins aunties brother?
That is why he is asking for first hand knowledge of the product. He is not advocating it as the best thing since sliced bread. At least he provided a link to the device which many here do not. The link provides some valuable information in the way of test results.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
When interpreting the graphs in your link just look at the sections where the TV signals lie. The VHF signals range from 177 MHz to 229 MHz. The Winsig looks to be better there. The VHF channels lie between 529 MHz and 693 MHz. The Winsig antenna plot crosses over the Winegard HV at around 550 MHz. The lower edge of CH31 is 550.5 MHZ, CH 20 - 30 are received better with the Winegard HV and CH 31 - 51 are received better by the Winsig. I am not sure who did the signal checks and what equipment and checks they did, my observations are only correct if those curves are correct.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
In John's post is a link to the RV Daily where there was a bit of a review done which is where I saw it a couple of weeks ago.
I also looked at that link. I do not think much of their observations. They were talking about the number of stations they received. There would not be 69 stations anywhere that they could receive. Each transmitting site will only transmit 5 strong TV signals and also may have a few low power community station signals. Each TV channel transmitted will have a number of logical channels on it carrying programmes. The ABC for instance transmits 5 logical channels with video and 2 audio logical channels (LCNs 2/21, 20, 22, 23 and 25 for video and LCNs 200 and 201 audio.) Other networks transmit many more LCNs on theirTV channel.
So who knows what they were getting when they referred to stations. Depending on what actual TV channels they were receiving the numbers of LCNs could vary greatly. I have experienced places where you may be missing one or two channels from the suite of channels from a transmitting site. If they were missing the ABC from one location they would have got a higher "station" count than they would have if the & network was the missing channel.