Agree with what you say Pipes. But why are you shouting ( Bloody big letters )
I read your post and had to turn my hearing aid down. Only kidding but good advice.
I have 6.5 ton motorhome 8.5m long . Required MH licence . 4 speed auto with lock up converter which gives 6 ratioās . Locks up in top Two gears .,fuel consumption depends big time how much of a hurry I drive . I often go down to Adelaide or Mt Gambier . Fuel can be $350 to near $600 . We usually do it taking our time over 3 or so days . Tyres i find will do 80,000 to 100,000 easy with good alignment. Michelin tyres for us are $250 each. If we stayed at hotels on the way ? We find the hotel and food costs offset our fuel . Our engine is a low stress 200 hp 6.5 turbo diesel . You will possibly have issues keeping below weight with car licence ? We do not have problems in free camps or camping grounds . There is so many different types of busses out there . In the end I thought ?!! If I am going big ?? I may as well go as big as I can without being silly .. 8m takes up two spaces in parking bays . No problem at Bunnings etc ., On travels . I donāt find our fuel consumption any more than a light diesel truck towing similar ., Pink or brown slips and rego for heavy vehicle are about same costs as car . Insurance is the same . If anything less ? As my cars are performance type ., If you register as motorhome registation costs are way less, in NSW ..
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Sunday 26th of August 2018 09:48:11 AM
a Bus/Motorhome over 4.5 Ton as well as needing a higher licence than a Car Licence, when in NSW you need to stop at every open weigh station for a Check or a Wave on.
I think Pipes had a "senior moment" when he started a new post! And Ge mentioned that he "shouted" his new advice: perhaps that was his way of getting some extra good advice over to Kerry & the forum! At least Aus-Kiwi didn't shout his words of encouragement.
I think there is enough excellent info on both posts for Kerry to analyse & consider the best way of going about her future house on wheels. As I mentioned before, if she goes ahead with using a bus (from scratch), she deserves a medal of some sort!
One word of caution I'll add, is - if possible don't sink all of your money into your future mobile home. We heard from the RACQ man at Camoolweal in far western Qld two years ago.
He had to do a recovery for a couple a few weeks earlier. They sold up, put all of their money into their flash new motor home & headed off for life on the road. Their aim was to travel & then sell the MH later & buy a small unit somewhere suitable. Unfortunately the husband became very ill & had to be flown to Brisbane. The wife couldn't drive the vehicle & had to sell it - at a significantly discounted amount, ending the dream.
All the best, Kerry & twins! We'd like to know what your ultimate decision is.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!