If you are passing through Alice Springs, take the time to visit the small IGA type neighbourhood stores. In some of them they have a Tucker box freezer dedicated to frozen roo tails. No not for dog food, these are sent from NSW and are for human consumption.
Dont be alarmed at the skin and fur still attached. If you are a bit squeamis, you can skin them, but it is a tough job. Kangaroo tail soup was once a prized delicacy but seems to have all but disappeared. If you choose to skin them, they can then be slow cooked just like Oso Bucco And are delicious.
But you are in the Outback, so have them Outback style.
Light a nice fire and while it is flaming hold the tail in the flames rotating it to burn the hair off the tail. Do this end for end until all the hair appears burned. Scrape the charred hair off with a blunt knife. Repeat the process To ensure all hair is removed because burnt hair tastes like burnt hair. A rag or leather welding glove will protect your hand.
When it is clean, wrap in a couple of layers of aluminium foil and place in the coals and cover with same. For authentic ashes kangaroo tail you can dispense with the foil and roast them anaturale. The ashes will just brush off and any charcoal you eat will prevent the expulsion of noxious gasses when you go to bed.
cook for about 20 minutes in not over active coals. Check if they are well cooked But watch them carefully so as not to burn them.
When cooked, place them on a log and chop them into portions with an axe. Or use a knife on a cutting board.
Serve with lots of pepper and salt and black billy tea, damper if you want.
If done right this is Truely a delicious feast.
Oh, and if you pass a fresh roadkill, you neednt go to the IGA.