Hi Bob,
As a mate of mine from Launceston is fond of reminding me...old age is better than the alternative! I tend to agree!!!!!
(suffering from the cold in my knee following a knee replacement which was "supposed" to fix the problem.)
Dave (Nutgrass)
Carpe Diem - Seize the day!
You never get a second chance at a first impression, so make the first a good one.
Hi Bob, As a mate of mine from Launceston is fond of reminding me...old age is better than the alternative! I tend to agree!!!!! Cheers Dave (suffering from the cold in my knee following a knee replacement which was "supposed" to fix the problem.)
As my Dad used to say Dave, there are only 2 types of people, the quick & the dead. Dont be the latter.
Im home at Black Mountain Qld ( near Cooroy). Last few days have been nice and sunny, today a bit cloudy and tonight a bit cooler.
Been home for 2 weeks after a trip to Inverell to visit daughter and family, gees it was cold there minus 2s and 3 S at night but the days were pleasant.
Hello DD (& other Victorians still here),
Can I act as a short distance weather forecaster? There is MORE foul & cold weather heading your way!! The last couple of days in Warrnambool have been wet, windy & more than the odd shower of hail (thankfully small stones).
One thing you don't do down here is sweat!
We're off to Toowoomba early next week (more family issues) bypassing our planned stop of Bowra Station & missing out on a BirdLife trip to Bladensburg NP.
Our daughter & her partner are coping very well with their new babies (one of each sex) - a doubling of our grand children. The pressure will come early next year when she goes back to work.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Today on the front lawn of our property, Perth WA, been camping there for 7 months. Tomorrow we move to Coogee caravan park, which will be day one of our permanent life on the road, no house or property, fair dinkum Grey Nomads at long last.
Hope you are better soon Mike. It's awful when you are feeling miserable with a bad cold or the flu.
Bob & Deb, I can thankfully be still classed as being among the quick. And I'm a bit quicker when I get out onto my bike with a tailwind!
How is Maleny, Rocket? you & Strop are very close to my old stamping ground from my childhood - I grew up at Landsborough and when I was a young fella, me and my mates used to enjoy riding up and down the old range road, as well as out to Caloundra for a surf on a hot day! We'd then ride back home (11 miles back then (now 17.6 km)) and reckon we felt so much fresher! The perceptions of youth.
Doug, I'll let you keep the Mornington Peninsula...too cold for me here, so I don't think I'd handle the cold there.
Dave (Nutgrass)
Carpe Diem - Seize the day!
You never get a second chance at a first impression, so make the first a good one.
Bob & Deb, I can thankfully be still classed as being among the quick. And I'm a bit quicker when I get out onto my bike with a tailwind!
I can attest to being quicker than that Dave. When I finish work the day before hitching up the van you cant see me for a cloud of dust! I'm off faster than a prom dress.
Hi dave1952, maleny is beautiful as always. My only gripe is people living in neighbouring houses who walk there dogs. Most are lovely, stop for a chat and have their dogs on leads. But there is always one irresponsible owner to ruin it. this bloke had his dogs lead around his own neck n dog walking wherever. Spose this will continue until someone is hurt and showgrounds gets sued. see it every time we come here.
-- Edited by the rocket on Friday 10th of August 2018 12:07:44 PM