I once read the rule of thumb, being not exactly accurate that each foot of caravan was approx. equivalent to1hundred weght. therefore a seventeen foot van weighs approx. 1.7 tonne. any ideas.
Firstly, there were 20cwt to the ton, so 17cwt equals about 860kg.
1cwt per foot was true about 40 years ago, but modern caravans are probably at least double that.
Juggernaught as not all vans are built the same way or have the same inclusions there is going to be a fair bit of variance in weight for the same length van. For example our 21'6" van came out of the factory weighing 2.23T so in this case your rule of thumb would have been close. If we had opted for bigger wheels, off road suspension, heavier chasis construction, extra solar panel, extra water tank etc. I imagine that the rule would then have been a fair way off.
Yes sorry Peter you are correct I went back and reread the original post I hadn't actually taken in the cwt bit I was just using the part about a 17' van weighing 1.7T - I never was real good at all that cyphering stuff anyway .