$25 a night for a patch of red dirt , no amenities , stick that up their jumper , who's pocketing the money its over $20k per night if it lasts for two months thats $1.2 mill . Nice return for the local folk.
We stayed there a couple of weeks ago , and yes it was incredibly busy .
Yeah it's a a bit of money to stay there and harder for those not set up to do it .... we managed to have warm showers , but yes the place certainly could do with a revamp, especially considering the money coming into it
Most people seemed happy enough though , and when you've travelled thousands of k's to see the rock etc l guess they've got you over a barrel, still compared to the fuel prices there it wasn't too bad lol
Since they made it harder to climb the rock, claiming weather condition etc I have no interest in going there ever again. I have climbed it 4 times and in the 60's you could pay a "local" to give you a guided tour, both up and around. There were only a few places at the base of the rock that we were excluded from. This idea the rock itself is sacred is just bulltish. It seems the newer owners have not listened to all the stories their forefathers and mothers told them. Give them 20years and once they can charge for a climb magically it will reopen. Mark my words, Wally
16.5 Discovery 4 with a few mods and New Age MR 16' Deluxe
Three of my kids were there over the just past school holidays the OP's link referred to. I sent the link to one and asked if it was accurate.
Apparently it was. But none had an issue with it because compared to some of the sites they had chosen to free camp in over the previous several days it was quite luxurious. (If it's relevant they - a party of 6 vehicles - were all in tent trailers/roof top tents/serious 4WD's etc)
They were in the overflow area.
I guess it boils down to what expectations you have and what you are comparing it to.
-- Edited by Grandad5 on Monday 30th of July 2018 10:05:50 AM
There Comes a time in life, when you must walk away from all drama and the people who create it.