Will be driving the birdsville track for the races, does anybody know how long to drive from Marree to Mungerannie? Landcruiser towing a 14' off-road caravan. Also will camp at Tippilipa campsite. Is there any drinking water between Marree and Birdsville? Do we drive the track with full water tanks on caravan? Thanks
We have just done the Track twice for the Big Red Bash. We were towing a heavy FF camper and its pretty easy if your are prepared. The drive from Marree to Mungerannie is about 3 hours - give or take. We had our 120l tank half full for the trip and overnighted at Mungerannie on the way to Birdsville, but on the way back we made it all the way back to Port Augusta.
A couple of tips, ensure all your pipes under the van are protected, a lot of people use pool noodles, we used bubble wrap. My wife used the UHF like a legend, the track was super busy with UHF calls about passing coming through all the time, so if you dont have a UHF get one and use it. We also covered our rear window with a yoga mat to protect it and we were very pleased we did, there was a huge number of rear windows done on the track.