Just wondering if anyone has travelled recently on the route from the Hume Highway M31 northbound just after Dalby,NSW turning right onto the Illawarra Hwy A48 thru Sutton Forest, Mossvale, Robertson then via Jamboree Mountain Rd ( 9) thru Kingfern, Jamberoo into Kiama.
The reason for this as we travelled from Shell Harbour to Wagga via Macquarie Pass road which had that many devils elbows (hairpin bends ) that we spent most of the trip on the wrong side of the road and the wife said Never again on that road. I know the route above does have a couple of tight bends but supposedly any easier drive to the coast from the Hume.
Neil and Suzie
Tug Landcruiser Sahara Turbo Diesel/ Den Luxliner 21' plus
G`day Neil and Suzie ,
If you are towing a caravan then you cannot use the Jamberoo Rd. An alternative would be to turn off just past Moss Vale and go through Kangaroo Valley to Bomaderry and then to Kiama ,or go via Canberra , Bungendore , Braidwood and either Nerriga or Batemans Bay and then to Kiama.
Remember, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Graeme C is right about taking the Picton/Wollongong turnoff (just north of Pheasants Nest servo) then down Mt Ousley. The bonus is that from the bottom of Mt Ousley except for a short distance through Albion Park Rail it is freeway to Kiama.
Going through Kangaroo Valley is not the best either - even if it is a little better than Macquarie Pass. The northern descent isn't too bad but the southern ascent road is narrow and steep.
-- Edited by Long Weekend on Thursday 19th of July 2018 09:13:27 AM