Seeking some information please. We have travelled today for about 4 hours - say 200ks. Stopped at Coonalpyn in SA checked the tyres on the van and found one of the back tyres and hub were very hot, the other three are fine. Any advice as to what could be causing this? After stopping for 30 mins the tyre and hub have cooled. We will stop in Coonalpyn tonight.
I am not a mechanic but it sounds like a bearing is worn or breaking down. Suggest you have checked asap and preferably before you leave the place you are at. Good luck and stay safe.
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I agree with Aussie1. That is a classic symptom of a collapsing bearing. After losing a wheel on a previous van in 2006, I always carry spare bearings and HTB grease as well as rags and the tools to replace a bearing if need be.
Dave (Nutgrass)
Carpe Diem - Seize the day!
You never get a second chance at a first impression, so make the first a good one.
You could have a brake on the van sticking on as well - this would cause the tyre to run not. More likely the wheel bearing. Jack the wheel and see how freely is spins - if it drags, it is probably the brake. If it spins freely, brake is in the clear,. Check then for free play in the bearing - shake the wheel in the vertical and horizontal axes and see if there is excessive movement If there is, try to adjust the wheel bearing, but you are probably up for new bearings.
all good suggestions but i think if you need to come onto a forum looking for advise on a matter like this you to seek out a mechanic to solve your problem .
Thank you everybody I really appreciate your feedback / suggestions. We will of course get a mechanic to see the caravan tomorrow but at least i now know what may be wrong and if it happens again I know what to look for. A great forum.....thanks again. Terry