To start a topic like this for absolutely no reason other than to rub dog owners up the wrong way would mean you have nothing to fill your day. What's the old expression...If you don't have something nice to say, say NOTHING at all. Perhaps you should adhere to that.
I don't currently have my own dog, but if you cannot understand the bond that develops between dog and human and the thought of leaving them behind would be painful.
If you don't understand at this stage of life you never will.
even people who have dogs can find other peoples dogs a botheror annoying if the owners do not control them. so the problem is not the dogs themselves but the owners.
I wonder if the people who object to the op's opinion think their dogs are never annoying to any one else??
Hi JayDee , sorry you feel that way about dogs on holidays..... some owners are very irresponsible I know . and so are the people who smoke and leave cigarette butts all over the camp site how hard is it to carry a jar to put them in . I have camped at places and there is kangaroo and bird and numerous other droppings everywhere and toilet paper left behind by humans and rubbish from people but have to accept that in my travels because there is not a damn thing I can do about it . Love my little dog more than humans a lot of the time /who else wags their tail when they see you and gives you unconditional love .
We don't have a dog or cat for that matter, just some fish. Pets with 4 legs do restrict where one can go - eg no National Parks.
BUT leaving the pooch home, denies people of companionship & costs a lot - having to rely on someone else to look after it if family are not available & kennel fees <$15-30 a day.
So JayDee, don't stir up those who choose to travel with their livestock, relax, smell the flowers & do as we do, watch the birds!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
I think it's a bit of each. You can imagine the dog feeling rather disappointed when their owners go out in the car & being left behind.
We looked after our son's dogs for two years while they went overseas for work & found the dogs really enjoyed the trip from Canberra to Townsville (for one it was one way only). They sat in the back & were happy to get out every couple of hours & hop back in again.
The bigger one always wanted to be lifted back in (perhaps he trained my son) but I found he would jump in quite readily if some biscuits were on offer! And perhaps because I don't travel as fast, he never got car sick either!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
I'm with you sherbert, we love our 2 girls & won't be leaving them at home when we head off. Their love is unconditional & always so happy to have their people around them. Pity some couldn't leave their children at home or kennels!
The more I see of people, the more I love my dog!!!
We used to own both dogs & cats, but never travelled with them. When we used to travel as a family when the kids were young, we placed our pets in boarding kennels. When we were older, just us "oldies" travelled as the now adult kids did not want to go with us old farts. So they stayed home & looked after the pets & the house.
As our pets have now passed on, I know how attached people become to their pets. Any responsible owner loves their pets like family. There will always be responsible & irresponsible pet owners, just as there are the same in campers, motorists & just about every type out there. I for one do my best not to upset anyone camping around me & hope that they afford everyone the same courtesy.
Those who exist just to p15s others off come in all forms. In all my caravanning years I have never come across any that are pet owners, usually just loud drunkards.