Hi everyone, any helpful suggestions on stopping dust coming through the door, we have a Sunliner Switch with the silly door on it, but dust comes through if we go on a dirt road, thanks, have a safe long weekend.
Try pressuring van if you can with vent facing forward ? Yes seal & or adjust door so it closes tighter . Often the gas vent in steps let dust in also ? We used a wet wipe only used on dusty roads .
The Vent Aus -Kiwi is mentioning is a scupper vent. All gthe vents that let dust in are to allow the gas appliance to vent, hence when you stop you need to remove the barriers. If the vent you are talking about is the door one, the reason dust gets in there as that is the point of least resistance. Block that and dust will find another vent to get in on. I put a scupper vent in my van and only open it when I travel on dusty dirt roads. A tiny amount of dust still gets in but nowhere as much as before, and only around the vent on the door. I have not blocked any vents since I installed it and if I did that might fix the dust completely, but I can live with the small amount that now is just around the door opening. They are cheap on fleabay but require fitting. I put a a sponge filter on mine, not sure if it helps or not.
16.5 Discovery 4 with a few mods and New Age MR 16' Deluxe
Not sure what you mean by "The silly Door", but on our Jayco we have a double door - the outer skin solid and the inner one is the flyscreen. There is a vent in the bottom of the door. Our first trip away and the van filled with dust - badly. I then got some rubber foam carpet underlay and cut a small panel slightly larger than the vent opening. When we travel on a gravel road, we open the outer door and insert the foam so that it seals the vent. We took the van through from Cunamulla to Tiboorburra and at times we could not see the van in the mirrors for the dust. Virtually no dust entered the van - OK we were travelling rather slowly, but it was 95% dust free. Since then I have fitted a scupper vent into the roof, but we have not needed to use it because on the rare occasions we do travel these days on dusty roads, it is only relatively short distances and we cut the speed down to compensate (we still use the foam in the door). It is a cheap, simple fix to pressurise the van whilst travelling.
It is important to remove the foam once you stop because if there is a gas leak inside the van, this is where the gas is meant to leak to (LPG being heavier than air).