At the risk of opening a tin of worms, I'm just wondering how does one compare the quality of mattresses from different suppliers? We're shopping around for a couple of new (single) mattresses for our van. They're a non standard size so I've checked out what I think are the only custom Innerspring mattress suppliers in Perth, Mr Mattress and Makin Mattresses. We've looked at and tested mattresses from both with apparently identical specs (though I can't remember the spring gauge used by the first). They both have pocket springs with high density edge supports, are double sided and felt very similar when we tested them. Both manufacturers seem to have good reviews.
Mr Mattress quotes $500 each (8yr warranty) and Makin Mattresses $900 each (5yr warranty). Apart from the obvious price variation, the only difference I can see is Mr Mattress is local while Makin Mattresses are manufactured interstate (South Aust I think). Are there any Sandgropers out there that have been unhappy with their mattresses from Mr Mattress?
I have a 2016 Jayco Starcraft Outback with two single beds. It came new with good inner-sprung mattresses. I don't know what brand they are but sizes are 70cm wide by approx 202 cm long for one and 190 cm long for the other. Jayco won't be the only maker putting inner-sprung single mattresses in their vans so perhaps you might contact van agents and maybe, get a better price or more info.
I'm not from Perth, however I used to be in the bed business. I would suggest that the primary requirement to have is Pocket Spring. You generally should have a medium density spring and with all else being equal, ( which it seems to be ) buy the less expensive one .
John. we have a 2005 Jayco Freedom poptop and changed our single bed original foam mattresses over for 2 custom made inner spring mattresses, approx. 190 x 70 cm x 20 and 205 x 70 x 20 cm through Jayco. We took the measurements to Jayco and picked up the mattresses about 2 weeks later. I don't know where Jayco get them made but the quality appears to be good. They are comfortable and supportive, particually with my wife's bad hip. I can't remember the price but they were under $200 each.
Regards EJP
Roy, Frank and EJP thanks for your input. I hadn't considered caravan manufacturers, I might give that a try. I am surprised that you mentioned your mattresses are only 70cm wide. Ours were 76cm and we found that was too narrow for comfort so I've widened the bases to 85cm, the max that I thought I could get away with, without unduly constricting the walkway between them. Of course first I had to "shrink" the cabinet that sits between them, not an easy job but it's done and we're happy with the result.
John, Jayco make to size. When I measured the mattresses up I made allowances to make the beds up, ie, to tuck blankets in etc (hate doonas). You should not have a problem with your sizes.
Regards EJP
Jayco at Cannington sent us direct to the factory when we wanted a new mattress which was made to our specifications - it was good to visit the factory showroom (can't remember exactly where it was) and when it was made we picked it up from Jayco - took about 2 weeks.
The factory also makes mattresses for all defence forces and we were given the option of a good quality mattress with a reduced height.
-- Edited by villatranquilla on Friday 8th of June 2018 07:14:30 PM
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
Hi. Just replaced my queen size in the van with a Makin Matilda.. Made to measure. Cost me $1200. Wished I had replaced it two years ago. Recommend but no affiliation. Cheers Daz
Thanks Dazz and all others. $1200 vs $900 each for two smallish singles from Makin Mattresses, not a lot of difference it seems with this manufacturer. I'll check out the local Jayco dealer as a point of reference to my current quotes.
Meant to say $1200 (queen size) vs $900 each for two smallish singles. I could get a queen size mattress and cut it in half and prbly still be in front ;)
We bought our mattresses from clark rubber For our previous caravan Nowhere near prices you quoted and found them good. Put there egg shell foam on top. (The foam with the ten year warranty) i think we bought the queen size egg shell foam and got them to cut in half. Check sizes u need n u may b able to do the same. Good luck.
-- Edited by the rocket on Sunday 10th of June 2018 11:41:04 AM
G'day, sounds like your mattress is/was a foam one?? We're looking for innerspring ones, specifically made with pocket springs and that's the reason for the higher prices but I'm surprised by the variations between manufacturers. That's the reason for my original post; what shortcuts or dodgey materials might be used in the cheaper quote or is the higher quote just excessive?
G'day, sounds like your mattress is/was a foam one?? We're looking for innerspring ones, specifically made with pocket springs and that's the reason for the higher prices but I'm surprised by the variations between manufacturers. That's the reason for my original post; what shortcuts or dodgey materials might be used in the cheaper quote or is the higher quote just excessive? Cheers
Hi valkyrie01, our mattresses were innerspring. usually bed manufacturers will show u a sample of the mattress inside so u can compare. Good luck.
Hi Brian thanks for your input re: Mr Mattress and also to thanks to all contributors. I'm going to give the local guy (MM) a try this time. Wifey talked me out of looking at Jayco's offerings due to current (quality) issues a lot of people seem to be experiencing with caravan manufacturers.