Good afternoon all - have a new van that has a Hume water level indicator and Gauge Blue. Unfortunately there are no instructions as to how to read this gauge. I have the tanks and I have four green lines with three dots in each line with the centre four dots orange and the single dot also orange. Does this indicate that the tanks are full?
Yes it will be full if the top of the fan lines is green.They go from the widest point of the fan back to the single point .
The highest green line dots, is the level of the water in the tank .As the water lowers in the tank the green lines lower down to the orange then red at the bottom ( empty). The four dots and the single dot will always be orange if water is above this point ,as water is lowered the green lines lower and go out then the orange goes out and the single orange will go red when empty.
Just lower the water in the tank and measure the amount of water and check the gauge level.