I drive with great respect for heavy vehicle drivers as have driven buses and coaches in a previous life. I never slow down when a heavy vehicle approaches from behind UNTIL they have come along side me while overtaking THEN and only then do I slow down for them to gat past and back in as soon as possible. I always talk to the driver on UHF as well and let them know what I will do. Have always had a good reply at the end of the move. I travel between 90kmh and 95kmh. Less if need be.
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
It was a good article John, (Rockylizard), so thanks for that
I hope that I am not seen, as preaching to the church choir here
I am the same frame of mind as Doug, above
I go out of my way to assist the truckies, they have a job to do, while I have no time restraints
I let them know who I am, which way/road, I am travelling I explain that I do not know this road, but when I see them pull out to the right lane, I shall throw the anchors on, and they will be passed in a jiffy
Some truckies tell me to just stay as I am, as there is an overtaking lane somewhere in front of us
Some truckies tell me that they will overtake, over the next/second/third hill etc
Some truckies do not answer For those who do not answer, I will repeat my original message, and let them know that I did not hear them
When I see that the truck is COMPLETELY IN THE RIGHT LANE, and no one else behind, I will slow by using the brakes in a safe manner. The overtaking truck is passed me in a jiffy, and some truckies are surprised, when I tell them that they are well clear, and can pull to the left again.
Some truckies thank me, and wish me a happy trip, some do not, but most of them use their indicators to acknowledge their appreciation
I have seen frustrated truckies, and I have seen frustrated travellers Perhaps it is a case of the few, spoiling it for the many
Like you Dowgwe, I tend to sit on 90-95 kph and maintain a constant speed when a heavy vehicle approaches from behind and ease off only when that vehicle is passing me. Slowing down as the vehicle is about to pass is dangerous as the driver of the passing vehicle has normally increased his speed to pass and is concentrating on passing. The vehicle in front suddenly slowing down can cause a rear end collision with nasty results. I also tent to wait that little bit longer when pulling out onto the road from wayside stops etc. If I see a heavy vehicle approaching in the distance I wait until it has passed, a heavy vehicle having to reduce speed to accomodate a slowly accelerating caravan is both dangerous and fustrating. It should go without saying that an overtaking lane is exactly that, you slow down to allow the stream of traffic to overtake you, not maintain your speed or speed up.
Regards Phil
When I notice a truckie behind I will call them up and let them know that I see them. I'll also tell them that I will pull over when I find a spot. Most of the truckies will reply OK.
There is one other thing that you can do and that is when the overtaking semi is clear in front of you give them a SINGLE flash of your high beam. Note: only a SINGLE flash. A couple of flashes will mean that you are annoyed at them!
Its great to see so many doing their bit to assist the truckies on the roads. I really feel for them as they are on deadlines as well as mandatory test periods and every driver on the roads should do their best to help them.
unfortunately in most cases people who travel 85-90 kph for what ever reason have no idea how to let trucks and others who wish to travel quicker get past them safely. if they only realized that as soon as they let quicker traffic move on the safer they are
Hi all..
Just got back from 2 weeks travel 5200kg motorhome.
I sit on 95-100ks mostly if roads permit.
Lots of trucks.. No problems at all... slow down after they are beside me, they wave to acknowledge the help.
I tend to tell the cars behind me with a right indicator that it is ok to overtake as most cant see past you... Most understand some dont..
Most wave with thanks..
Its common sense with a bit of decenty to help all on the roads..
Safe travels.