Someone posted this video on Linkedin I thought it was an interesting way of showing the effect of loading too much weight behind the wheels of the van.
Thats been around for a while and is often displayed at caravan shows , but it is a good simple demonstration of the effects of load distribution .
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Makes me wish that the demo should have gone further with load capabilities at centre, just forward of and just aft of as well.
It is a good start video, but may influence some to have loads at the extremities and forget the vertical sea saw effects which are another factor with loads a very front and very rear of towed vehicle.
Some good diagrams exist to show heavier loads are best about the centre of the vehicle around the axle group zone.
Cheers - Ian
I slowly realise as I get older that I am definitely NOT the fastest rat in the race.
Also the older I get the more I realise I do not know.
Try YouTubing the UK's Bailey Caravan Stability demo. Goes a little further than this video.
They should all be built with above axle storage for heavy stuff. Manufacturers know the physics so ergo it must be COST to build.
This is the video you refer to, very similar to the one posted by Belmont Bear.
I'm sure the makers do know the physics, however it would behoove owners to acquaint themselves with the basics of safely loading a caravan/motor home.
I saw a Coaster on the weekend with a full size motor bike hung on the back, the front looked like it was ready to head for the sky and the rear was almost touching the ground, cant believe he was not pulled up, not quite as bad as the pic below, his front wheels were still (just) in contact with the road.
-- Edited by Santa on Wednesday 16th of May 2018 10:35:22 AM