I'm travelling in a Jayco 21.6 caravan 2013 vintage and it's equipped with a Dometic "Hourglass" door. This door has numerous issues, most of which relate to the inability to adjust the strike movement. I've taken the strike mechanism out and I can't find a way to adjust it.
But that's not why I'm contributing to this forum: I've got good news for those RVers who want extra keys for these doors. And I've bumped into a few along the way!
Jayco dealers won't or can't help (or at least the ones I've been to). They claim that when they order extra keys from Dometic, they end up with inoperable keys. Dometic can't help: they claim that they are only supplied with two keys per lock & chose not to respond to my inquiry.
So I've spent the last 6months wandering around seeking assistance from various locksmiths. No, Bunnings can't help, nor can most locksmiths.
But I've found one that can. He provided me with two spare keys which work. They cost $25each which ain't cheap, but that isn't actually the issue is it?
This bloke may not appreciate me publicising his details, but it's a real find to locate someone who actually know where to source the blanks and then has the expertise to cut the keys, such that they work. You probably will have to send him one of your working keys by trackable Express Post, but my experience was that he's on the ball and I'm sure that he would be prepared to send you back your key and the new one(s) again, by trackable Express Post.
So here are his details. I reckon that if you contact him, he'll interact with you and work out how to get you keys that work!
Good post Frank - a very handy name and phone number for lots of people. We are in a Jayco 2010 motorhome (Conquest) and our entry door lock carked it some time back, no one, including Jayco, could help us with a new one, none in the country they say - so why do they use them, I wonder!
We can lock it from the inside, but it is the barrel that needs replacing, even my son (a locksmith in another life) said you can't replace the barrel. They want about $300 to get one in for us - so we decided instead to replace the crappy screen door with a security one, from Roamsafe on the Gold Coast. Cost $1000.00, but worth it for the peace of mind. He fitted it for us, with a bit of wiggling and swearing - but we now feel secure.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Thanks Jules! Glad to hear that you solved your problem, albeit expensively.
Many may disagree with my positive comments in support of Jayco. In my opinion, they do a remarkable job in putting together cost-effective RVs. In the process, they source many components overseas and sadly, don't have access to spares. They're not the only people who provide cost-effective products sourced overseas, who then can't provide spares. Try getting spares for items you've bought on the internet!
Jayco demonstrated enormous goodwill to me when the shower stall floor cracked in my van some time after the Warranty expired. They arranged for a caravan repair shop in Perth to demolish the entire back of the van, so the faulty shower stall could be removed and replaced. The whole exercise was done at no cost to me. My point is, that in some cases, it's worth asking your van manufacturer to replace (say) the whole door if they can't provide spare parts for it. In the case of my door, there wasn't much point in asking Jayco to replace the entire door, because, as previously mentioned, Dometic only supply 2keys with each door.....and all I wanted, was extra keys!
Safe travels, cheers, Frank
Frank, we have no problem with Jayco - we love our motorhome, Jayco have come to the party when we needed them under warranty, to the point of replacing the whole ensuite toilet and basin set up, because it went yellow.
Done 170,000k in seven years - and the starship, is still holding her own.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Iana! Many thanks for contributing. In fairness, it would have been beneficial to reveal the details of your Jayco 'supplier'. From the process you have described, I have to remark that I don't think you're talking about the same doors, locks or keys as those I'm referring to. It is relevant to state that the 'numbers' on the relevant keys also have 'letters' as a prefix and this code identifies the shape of the blank, not the pattern engraved into them. The blanks for these doors are very unusual & the first locksmith I engaged, got it wrong. The keys he supplied wouldn't fit into the doorlock on my van. Next, the code on the keys does not identify the engraved pattern on both sides of these keys. I discovered that not all locksmiths have the type of engraving machines required to cut the intricate pattern on these keys. The locksmith in Lismore explained that this pattern was not available on any of the modern computerised data banks available to him, so he resorted to using an older style engraving machine, which physically duplicates the pattern on the supplied key. This explains my previous advice that a competent locksmith will require you to provide a working key, so they can accurately duplicate the engraved pattern. I hope this clarifies the problems related to the particular locks & keys utilised in these particular doors.
-- Edited by Aussie Wanderer on Wednesday 9th of May 2018 06:42:23 AM
I needed and extra key for my hourglass door. After trying many locksmiths and keycutters around NSW and Qld I tried a well known locksmith in Newcastle. No problem. $22 later and I had the key. I don't think even $30 could be considered expensive, considering the key has to be copied by hand, and also considering what I would normally pay for a standard key.
KevinC! G'Day! Well done! I tried a locksmith in Newcastle without luck. Can you please post the details of the locksmith who solved the problem in Newcastle?
KevinC! G'Day! Well done! I tried a locksmith in Newcastle without luck. Can you please post the details of the locksmith who solved the problem in Newcastle?
Frosts on Broadmeadow Road have done one for me and one for a mate who also has a Jayco. These keys aren't real common, and one of the staff at this particular establishment initially said No. But my friend insisted that one had been done previously, and after referring to another staff member, the job was accepted and completed satisfactorily. Just goes to show you have to be a bit pushy sometimes.