Looking to travel this road in a months time. Is the road a sealed road to Burketown. The plan is to then go across to Normanton . Understand there is a dirt road across to Normanton, has anyone travelled this. Last question is Burketown worth visiting . Wont be fishing just going because we havent been there but will only be a nights stop, We are heading to the Cape after this on the Burke Development to Dunbar and then up to New Dixie. Its a bit of a deviation but just wondering if its worth it. Plan to spend 3 nights in Karumba for some R&R and maybe throw in a line. Thanks for any advice
The road to Burketown going via Bourke and Wills roadhouse is now fully sealed mostly single lane road. The road straight across from Burketown to Normanton is sealed for the first 70k to Leichardt Falls then its a gravel road the rest of the way. When we travelled it a few years ago it was in reasonable condition but you should check locally about its current condition. We enjoyed some of the stops along the road, but Burketown itself didn't have much to offer us, but we aren't fishermen. Have you been to this area before? If you haven't and are looking for a deviation, then I would head to Lawn Hill National Park as my first choice.
I haven't been up that way - only overnighted at the Burke & Wills Roadhouse on the way down from Normanton / Karumba . I think that they had a crock in a pool at the back in those days. ... but I do have a great oil painting of the 'main' street of Burketown with the old pub (burnt down ?) featuring along with the vivid orange & '3D' gravel & ruts in the road. Feels hot & dusty just looking at it.
Now that it's mostly sealed road, we'll have to include it on our 'Places to go' list.
-- Edited by Cupie on Sunday 6th of May 2018 11:02:17 AM
we were in karumba,then Normanton, just a few days ago, wishing to travel to bourketown, and was told that was open to four wheel drive vehicles only no towing of any kind as the road was still deeply rutted after the floods.
safe travels