A Caravanner had an accident on River St Ballina morning of 24Apr2018. Our story was, we were cut off and had no choice but to brake hard and hit the other driver in the rear end. In most cases, people will say then, you must be at fault. However the other driver zoomed up the inside lane, failed to give way whey merging and applied his Brakes heavily twice. We were unable to stop to avoid and he ended up with an imprint of a Nudge Bar to the rear of his vehicle. He then proceed to berate and abuse, also assaulted me.
Well normally it would be our word against him. But we did have a Dash Cam and offered the footage to the Police.
Result is that the other driver has been charged with Menacing Driving and Assault.
Accidents are not always the fault of people who are retired and driving Caravans.
Also a vote of Confidence in the whole handling of the incident by Ballina Police. Very polite, helpful and a pleasure to deal with.
OOO who spoke to us the whole time, that we locked ourselves in our car and the ambulance officers that attended. All were extremely polite and helpful. From a very stressful situation, its nice to know that sometimes the system works.
Fish for the next Generation. Catch what you can but leave some for your grandchildren
Wow - glad the ambos came, would check you out for whiplash etc. And wonderful that the police were so pleasant to deal with - good idea producing the camera proof.
I think insurance companies should come to the party, and offer discount if you use a forward facing camera, with recording. Most of their job is done then.
Glad you are ok.
We are in a motorhome with car towed behind - we were on a major highway tha hast several overtaking lanes about 10-20k apart, anyway, driver looked in mirror, no cars within passing distance - unless they wanted to do 120k. Blinker on, and start to merge safely into the lane, just as we got to the dotted lines. Suddenly this car came screaming past us on the left hand side - onto the gravel side, and just took off. We were so lucky - and this car WAS doing 120 + I reckon, she was gone before we could close our mouths!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Your dash cam was a good investment , our son gave us one but I cant get it to record past 5min it keeps turning off ? Then instructions that came with it were pathetic , your post has prompted me to move my butt , I have down loaded off the net a lot more detail instructions hopefully I can work it out , otherwise I'll be changing it over.
The point is that the right person was charged with the correct offence, thanks to the onboard Dash Cam.
That person might have gotten away with the behaviour and caused grief to someone else.
The police were grateful and courteous the whole time, during a very stressful situation.
Having to lock ourselves in our vehicles and seek protection via 000 due to a driver that was a Road Rage (Menancing Driver).
Grateful that we had the evidence available to back up our statements.
Fish for the next Generation. Catch what you can but leave some for your grandchildren