Hi, does anyone know if the De Grey River rest area is open. It shows that it is on Camps 8, WikiCamps has it closed and I cant find it on Google maps...
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
I dont know if closed but could be due to a good wet and it,s still damp especially the area next to the river . I know of people who have been pulled out of the bottom section and personal seen the deep tyre track up to 20cm deep up the top where we had camped only 3 weeks before after only 20 ml of rain.
Thanks for the information, looks like I might need to go elsewhere..
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
the top area nearest the highway should be open especially if you just want an overnight stay, down closer to the river may be a bit risky. We had to make a hasty exit from down on the river in 2013 after just a few mls of rain and that was in May. I see on Pardoo's facebook page that their road was open for Easter and their station borders the DeGray river so it will probably be OK
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
Hi, does anyone know if the De Grey River rest area is open. It shows that it is on Camps 8, WikiCamps has it closed and I cant find it on Google maps...
WikiCamps shows four camp sites around the bridge. Degrey River Rest Area, Wrong Side of River, Degrey River (south Side) and Degrey North West. The only one labelled closed is the North West one. Also when you read through the comments you get the impression that the respondents were posting their comments in the wrong one.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank